Too many people are ignoring one of the easiest ways to

can you transmit covid without coughing or sneezing

can you transmit covid without coughing or sneezing - win

COVID-19 – Things-To-Do To Reduce Risk Of Infection!

Covid-19 was first discovered in China in late 2019. It most likely came from infected animals and then spread to humans. The reason why Covid-19 is so frowned upon is that it can cause severe respiratory problems mainly in people with medical problems, weakened immunity, and the elderly. The spread of the virus had become so severe that it was declared a pandemic by the WHO.
The virus is spread by an infected person coughing or sneezing which then produces infected respiratory droplets. It can also spread if you touch a surface where the infected droplets land and follow it by touching your eyes, nose, or face. There are a few ways by which you can reduce the risk of infection, here they are:
· Wash your hands frequently
Scrub your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.
· Clean and disinfect surfaces
The virus is said to live on some surfaces for over 72 hours. AC duct cleaning in UAE is necessary since air ducts are ideal for biological growth to thrive. Clean and disinfect the countertops, door handles, furniture, and so on. Also, hire an AC mold cleaner on a timely basis.
· Wear a mask
This has become mandatory in most places. Wear a facemask when outdoors. It will keep you safe if you ever come within proximity to a person who is infected.
· Take social distancing seriously
Do not leave your house until absolutely necessary. And even if you do have to get out, make sure that keep a safe distance from the people outside. Something as insignificant as speaking to someone infected can lead to you falling sick.
· Self-quarantine if sick
If you think you have any symptoms, immediately call your doctor and quarantine yourself in your house. You will get better with proper medical care and also protect your loved ones from getting infected.
It is important to protect yourself. You can also be infected with the virus without any symptoms and may unknowingly transmit the virus to vulnerable people. To find a cleaning and disinfection service around you, simply type ‘mold treatment near me’ on a search engine.
submitted by jessicaallison2156 to u/jessicaallison2156 [link] [comments]


The Coronavirus has had a terrible impact on our country, economy, and most importantly, our health and wellness. Since the very first verified US case was documented on January 21, 2020, there have been a total of 25,301,166 cases and 423,519 fatalities from the illness. States across the country have implemented lockdowns and other measures to slow the spread. In addition, health authorities have released updated guidance on how to protect yourself and others during the course of the pandemic. While vaccines are being rolled out, sneeze guards, masks, social distancing, and hand washing can help mitigate contracting and transmitting COVID-19.

Congested places and public transportation are considered high-risk environments. If you need to go out in public, the first solution for protecting yourself is to wear a face mask. Face masks create a barrier and prevent respiratory droplets from being inhaled. The CDC recommends that any person over the age of two should wear a face mask in public. The effectiveness of a mask is increased when it is worn while staying at least six feet away from people you do not live with. If somebody in your house has been infected, it's also a good idea to wear a mask at home. Masks should be worn securely on your face and should cover your mouth and nose.


Because the virus ordinarily spreads between individuals who are in close contact with each other, the next suggestion is to keep six feet or two arm lengths between you and other people. If you are inside your home and a family member is sick, social distancing can aid in preventing transmission of COVID-19 and other respiratory illnesses. Any time you are in public, the same rule is applicable. Keep in mind that it may be possible for people without symptoms to spread the virus. Social distancing is even more important any time you are around people who are at higher risk of contracting the illness. They include older adults and individuals with existing medical conditions. When you are intending to go out in public, there are some additional points to take into consideration. You should avoid high-risk environments including bars, health clubs, restaurants, theaters, and poorly ventilated places. If you must be present, open as many doors and windows as possible to allow fresh air inside.

If you are out in public or you are returning home, it is crucial to wash your hands as frequently as possible. Use soap and water and wash your hands for at least twenty seconds. If water and soap are not accessible, you can use hand sanitizer. Ensure that it contains at least sixty percent alcohol. Also, always avoid touching your mouth, eyes, and nose.
The best times to wash your hands are:
  • After sneezing, blowing your nose, and coughing
  • Before preparing food and eating
  • Before touching your face
  • After you use the restroom
  • Before and after you touch your mask
  • When you leave a public place
  • After you have been in contact with a person that is sick
  • After changing a diaper
  • Whenever you have had contact with pets

COVID-19 can transmit whenever infected respiratory droplets are moved through the air after a person infected by the virus coughs, sneezes, speaks, or blows their nose. With that being said, be sure to cover your mouth and nose whenever you cough or sneeze. You should use tissues to contain the discharge and throw them away immediately. You can also cover your face with your elbow if you do not have a tissue.

Under the CDC's published Public Health Activity Guidance, the CDC recommends that businesses should install sneeze guards and physical barriers between customers and employees. Whenever you are out and about, always position yourself behind a sneeze guard. This is very important if you are engaging with an employee from a business or if you are out to eat and sitting close to another table or booth. A sneeze guard can be identified as a clear piece of glass or plastic placed in-between areas where interactions and transactions occur. Sneeze guards are physical barriers that block the transmission of respiratory illnesses, such as COVID-19. Taking advantage of sneeze guards will give you additional protection any time you are out in public.
There is hope as vaccines are being introduced across the country. For the time being, there are things you can do to avoid contracting COVID-19. You can slow the spread by wearing a mask, social distancing, washing your hands, and using sneeze guards. If your business is in need of sneeze guards, Glass Inc. has you covered. The experienced shop makes standard and custom-size sneeze guards and they have installed them all around Atlanta during the pandemic. If you have questions about sneeze guards or want to have them installed, give us a call today.
Click the link to find out more.
#SneezeGuards #GlassInc #COVID19 #Coronavirus
submitted by GlassInc to u/GlassInc [link] [comments]

Jan 5 BC CDC has accepted airborne / aerosol transmission of COVID19 "Smaller droplets come out of the mouth and nose at the same time as larger droplets. These smaller droplets are light, and they can float in the air for a longer time."

How it Spreads

COVID-19 is spread by the respiratory droplets an infected person produces when they breathe, cough, sneeze, talk, or sing. If you are in contact with an infected person, the virus can enter your body if droplets get into your throat, nose, or eyes. Last updated: January 5, 2021

COVID-19 Transmission

Respiratory infections such as influenza (flu) and COVID-19 are mainly spread by liquid droplets that come out of the mouth and nose when a person with the virus breathes, coughs, sneezes, talks, or sings. Droplets come in a wide range of sizes, from smaller than the width of a hair to larger than a grain of sand. A few large droplets or many small droplets can contain enough virus to infect another person.

Droplet Sizes

Larger droplets are heavier, and they usually fall to the ground within two meters. The majority of COVID-19 infections are spread from one person to another through larger droplets. This is why maintaining physical distance, adding physical barriers, wearing masks, and hand hygiene are all important protective measures. Smaller droplets come out of the mouth and nose at the same time as larger droplets. These smaller droplets are light, and they can float in the air for a longer time. Because of this, smaller droplets may collect in enclosed spaces unless they are diluted with clean air from the outdoors or from a ventilation system. If many people are sharing a space without enough clean air, it can lead to COVID-19 infections.

Surface Contact

Even though COVID-19 can survive for hours or days on different surfaces, infection from contact with contaminated surfaces appears to be less common. The most common type of spread is through larger droplets from close contact with an infected person.There is no evidence that the virus transmits through food as it is destroyed almost immediately by stomach acid. Good hand hygiene is always important for food safety. For more information, see the BCCDC page on Food Safety and COVID-19.

Ways You Can Reduce Transmission

submitted by sereniti81 to Coronavirus_BC [link] [comments]

Q: "When can I get back to normal?" Washington State Department of Health A: Never

There was a recent vaccine forum. The host asked the below question and I transcribed the answer below.
49:48 Making Sense of Vaccines During COVID-19 - WA DOH (look it up on youtube)
Q: “I, like many people have been cooped up in my house for the majority, the vast majority of this year. So I must say that I’m ready to get out of the house. I’m ready to go to the next Marvel movie in a packed theater, kick my feet up without any masks in sight. When is that gonna happen? Now that we have these vaccines, they’re safe, they’re highly efficacious. When do we get to go back to quote unquote normal?”
Dr Corey: “Well, normal is individualized and it will take a little bit, a while. Its like playing, we know it prevents disease. We actually don’t know if it prevents you from actually, the virus landing on your nose, you not knowing it and still replicating in your nose and transmitting it unwillingly to someone else. Now we know most of the transmission does that. We know that college kids go visit the grandparents and the grandparents get sick. Asymptomatic acquisition and transmission is how this virus mainly spreads. So does the vaccine prevent that from happening? We actually don’t know that yet. So even if you get vaccinated there is security in being protected from getting disease and that may allow you to alter a lot of behavior. Go to the Marvel movie, go to a restaurant and get on an airplane. But that doesn’t mean that you can give up your mask. But at the moment you can’t give up your mask because that mask is needed for you not to infect somebody else. We do not know the knowledge at this point in time to say that you’re protected from hurting someone else. You’re pretty protected of your own benefit so we still have what we call a population effect and I hope people understand the community responsibility that you have when you get vaccinated.”
Dr LaSalle: “Yeah and its gonna take, you know there’s not enough vaccine to go around right now. So its gonna take a while for us to get the number of people that we need to get vaccinated vaccinated and people have to take the vaccine. You know, it won’t help if we have a vaccine that nobody takes. So we have to get people immunized. And yeah, if you know, if you’re not coughing and sneezing maybe you’re less likely to spread those things but we don’t, like Dr. Corey said, know about transmission and asymptomatic infection so until we get a larger percentage of the population vaccinated, we still have to take all the precautions we’re taking currently. And I don’t know when that’s gonna happen, my patients are asking me that, “when can I get back to normal?” And I will, you know take out my crystal ball and tell them, you know I’ll guess but don’t hold me to it. But maybe by the fall is kind of what I’m saying. Maybe fall, winter it will feel a little bit more normal but I don’t know if we’ll ever get back to totally pre-pandemic life entirely. Those are my thoughts.”
Dr Danielson: “I have always resisted this sort of “back to normal” kind of phrase and the thinking that goes with it. For lots of people, pre-pandemic was a difficult time for all of us, its been a difficult time and I hope that we are actually learning and gaining from this so that whatever we get to is based on deeper wisdom and some hard earned experience and knowledge. I’ll also say that, you know, just wherever you are sitting and listening and watching just I won’t be able to see you, but like snap your fingers if an important lesson that you’ve learned through this time is that we have a lot to do with our own fates. That we as individuals and a parts of communities have a lot to say about how things will be moving forward. We influence the course of this pandemic. Its on us, its up to us, sorry to borrow an Obama phrase, but “we are the ones that we’ve been waiting for in terms of really turning the corner in the most meaningful ways in this pandemic. We’re getting tools, we’re getting more tools and more knowledge. We’re getting more ways in which we can be better stewards of the people around us that we care about. Better stewards of heading towards a place where we’re able to hug again and see each other smiling when we’re face-to-face those kinds of things. But we are the stewards of that. We are the pilots in that process and there’s no way for us to avoid that lesson from these last nine or ten months. And I think that’s gonna have to continue to be very front of mind for us to move forward. Its hard to say because sometimes you’re tired and you just want someone else to rescue you. You want this to get better fast and you wanna just stop having to work so hard, make so many sacrifices and what I love about conversation on this panel and what I heard from Dr LaSalle and Dr Corey are just that there is not a sugarcoating rainbow kind of thread in this conversation. This is very real about what we don’t know what we’ll continue to learn. But I also feel so strongly that I’ll say it one more time that we have the greatest influence we have individuals, over what happens next."
submitted by eatmoremeatnow to NoNewNormal [link] [comments]

Two reasons why [cloth] masks protect others more than they protect the wearer

I see 2 reasons why [cloth] masks protect others more than they protect the wearer
1 – Masks reduce the exhale velocity, which helps stop spread throughout the room.
2 – [Cloth] Masks trap large particles more effectively than small. However the droplets that we exhale can quickly reduce in size by evaporative action (increasing the per-ml concentration of virus within the droplet during the process). It’s easier to stop them on the way out while they’re large than on the way in when they’re small. (*)
Let's talk more about each of these:

1 – Masks reduce the exhale velocity, which helps stop spread throughout the room.
When you breathe, talk, scream, cough or sneeze, the air comes out with progressively higher velocity. Higher velocity helps the droplets travel farther faster and mix into a larger area of the room. The mask greatly slows that velocity which prevents it from mixing in the air as much and from traveling as far as fast. Now look at the opposite direction (inhalation), there is no counterpart to talking, screaming, coughing, sneezing so no counterpart that would be affected by wearing a mask during inhalation and no corresponding benefit. But even if we exclude those talking/screaming/coughing/sneezing activities and just look at simple breathing inhale and exhale, there are STILL velocity differences which make the mask more beneficial during exhale. Put your finger in front of your mouth or nostril and breathe in and out… which one can you feel with your finger? Only the exhale which is guided into a narrow stream inside our nostrils on the way out (narrow means higher velocity for a given flow rate). In contrast for the inhale the air is coming more from all directions into our nostrils, not a single direction (there is nothing to guide it in a single direction) so the velocity is lower.
So exhalation velocity is the high velocity that contributes to mixing and spreading and it can be knocked down by a mask. Inhalation velocity (for the air in front of your face during inhale) is much lower. Inhalation velocity might also be reduced by a mask but it was already low to begin with so it wasn't contributing much to the transport and mixing of the virus within the room.

2 – Evaporation causes droplets to get smaller after exhalation, so they are more easily filtered as large droplets on the way out than small droplets on the way in [cloth masks]
I’ll bet this one is new and counterintuitive to a lot of people. You don’t see raindrops getting smaller as they fall, so why should exhaled respiratory droplets be any different?
...The answer lies is surface area to volume ratio (4pi r2) / (4/3 * pi * r3 ) ~ (1/r). Respiratory droplets are much smaller than raindrops, so the r is smaller, and the ratio is larger. Since the evaporation depends on surface area and the amount of stuff to evaporate depends on volume, the respiratory droplets with higher surface area-to volume ratio (compared to raindrops) will evaporatively shrink much quicker and in fact the evaporation can be very significant before they reach the ground. This evaporation can turn larger respiratory droplets into small (non-filterable) aerosol droplets that linger in the air longer and travel further. And the droplet that starts out exhaled as a large droplet and then evaporatively reduces to a small droplet has the virus “concentrated” during the process (like evaporating a salt solution increases the concentration of salt in the water) which makes it potentially more potent / dangerous than other small droplets that were originally exhaled as small droplets.
The phenomenon of large droplets evaporating to small droplets and aerosols is well described in the wiki page for Wells’ curve where it is noted
If the air is not saturated with water vapor, all droplets are also subject to evaporation as they fall, which gradually decreases their mass and thus slows the rate at which they are falling. Sufficiently large droplets still reach the ground or another surface, where they continue to dry, leaving potentially infectious residues called fomites. However, the high surface area to volume ratios of small droplets cause them to evaporate so rapidly that they dry out before they reach the ground. The dry residues of such droplets (called 'droplet nuclei' or 'aerosol particles') then cease falling and drift with the surrounding air. Thus, the continuous distribution of droplet sizes rapidly produces just two dichotomous outcomes, fomites on surfaces and droplet nuclei floating in the air
You might ask if there is any proof of relevance of this phenomenon for Covid-19. I would offer two things that support it is relevant:
First another quote from the wiki link above:
Wells' insight was widely adopted because of its relevance for the spread of respiratory infections.[5] The efficiency of transmission of specific viruses and bacteria depends both on the types of droplets and droplet nuclei they cause and on their ability to survive in droplets, droplet nuclei and fomites. Diseases such as measles, whose causative viruses remain highly infectious in droplet nuclei, can be spread without personal contact, across a room or through ventilation systems and are said to have airborne transmission.[4] Although later studies demonstrated [quantitative] that the droplet size at which evaporation outpaces falling is smaller than that described by Wells, and the settling time is longer, his work remains important for understanding the physics of respiratory droplets [qualitative]
Second, consider the effect of relative humidity on virus transmission. The virus transmits much more in low relative humidity than high relative humidity as widely reported including here
If you go back to the wiki page on Wells’ curve the first entry under "complicating factors" is relative humidity and you’ll see that indeed it is consistent with more transmission at lower relative humidity. Here is my attempt to explain it: The lower the relative humidity, the faster the droplets evaporatively reduce, the larger the particle that can evaporatively reduce to small droplet (aerosol size) before reaching the ground, the more concentrated (more virus per particle) are the small droplets that can end up in the air.

Some other unrelated implications for relative humidity effects on transmission:
We attribute the very high rates of virus transmission in the winter in the northern states to driving people indoors and that is certainly true. BUT the relative humidity may be an additional important factor because relative humidity tends to be lower during winter (both outdoors and indoors where heating lowers it further). If you have an indoor space that you want to protect, then you might consider a humidifier either in addition to an air purifier (for better protection) or in lieu of an air purifier (to save money, although the tradeoff in effectiveness would need to be evaluated).
(*) I haven't heard anyone else say that this phenomenon #2 is part of explanation for why masks are more effective as source control, but it makes good sense to me as I tried to explain. So take it for what it's worth.
I limited the post to cloth masks where both factors 1 and 2 apply. For better masks like KN95, factor 1 certainly applies but factor 2 is not as important (KN95 do a better job of stopping droplets across a range of sizes).
submitted by electricpete to Masks4All [link] [comments]

The Coronavirus Is Airborne Indoors. Why Are We Still Scrubbing Surfaces?

The Coronavirus Is Airborne Indoors. Why Are We Still Scrubbing Surfaces?

Scientists who initially warned about contaminated surfaces now say that the virus spreads primarily through inhaled droplets, and that there is little to no evidence that deep cleaning mitigates the threat indoors.
HONG KONG — At Hong Kong’s deserted airport, cleaning crews constantly spray baggage trolleys, elevator buttons and check-in counters with antimicrobial solutions. In New York City, workers continually disinfect surfaces on buses and subways. In London, many pubs spent lots of money on intensive surface cleaning to reopen after lockdown — before closing again in November.
All over the world, workers are soaping, wiping and fumigating surfaces with an urgent sense of purpose: to fight the coronavirus. But scientists increasingly say that there is little to no evidence that contaminated surfaces can spread the virus. In crowded indoor spaces like airports, they say, the virus that is exhaled by infected people and that lingers in the air is a much greater threat.
Hand washing with soap and water for 20 seconds — or sanitizer in the absence of soap — is still encouraged to stop the virus’s spread. But scrubbing surfaces does little to mitigate the virus threat indoors, experts say, and health officials are being urged to focus instead on improving ventilation and filtration of indoor air
“In my opinion, a lot of time, energy and money is being wasted on surface disinfection and, more importantly, diverting attention and resources away from preventing airborne transmission,” said Dr. Kevin P. Fennelly, a respiratory infection specialist with the United States National Institutes of Health.
Some experts suggest that Hong Kong, a crowded city of 7.5 million residents and a long history of infectious disease outbreaks, is a case study for the kind of operatic surface cleaning that gives ordinary people a false sense of security about the coronavirus.
The Hong Kong Airport Authority has used a phone-booth-like “full-body disinfection channel” to spritz airport staff members in quarantine areas. The booth — which the airport says is the first in the world and is being used in trials only on its staff — is part of an all-out effort to make the facility a “safe environment for all users.
Such displays can be comforting to the public because they seem to show that local officials are taking the fight to Covid-19. But Shelly Miller, an expert on aerosols at the University of Colorado Boulder, said that the booth made no practical sense from an infection-control standpoint.
Viruses are emitted through activities that spray respiratory droplets — talking, breathing, yelling, coughing, singing and sneezing. And disinfecting sprays are often made from toxic chemicals that can significantly affect indoor air quality and human health, Dr. Miller said.
“I can’t understand why anyone would think that disinfecting a whole person would reduce the risk of transmitting virus,” she said.
A range of respiratory ailments, including the common cold and influenza, are caused by germs that can spread from contaminated surfaces. So when the coronavirus outbreak emerged last winter in the Chinese mainland, it seemed logical to assume that these so-called fomites were a primary means for the pathogen to spread.
Studies soon found that the virus seemed to survive on some surfaces, including plastic and steel, for up to three days. (Studies later showed that much of this is likely to be dead fragments of the virus that are not infectious.) The World Health Organization also emphasized surface transmission as a risk, and said that airborne spread was a concern only when health care workers were engaged in certain medical procedures that produce aerosols.
But scientific evidence was growing that the virus could stay aloft for hours in tiny droplets in stagnant air, infecting people as they inhaled — particularly in crowded indoor spaces with poor ventilation.
In July, an essay in The Lancet medical journal argued that some scientists had exaggerated the risk of coronavirus infection from surfaces without considering evidence from studies of its closely related cousins, including SARS-CoV, the driver of the 2002-03 SARS epidemic.
“This is extremely strong evidence that at least for the original SARS virus, fomite transmission was very minor at most,” the essay’s author, the microbiologist Emanuel Goldman of Rutgers University, said in an email. “There is no reason to expect that the close relative SARS-CoV-2 would behave significantly different in this kind of experiment,” he added, referring to the new coronavirus.
A few days after Dr. Goldman’s Lancet essay appeared, more than 200 scientists called on the W.H.O. to acknowledge that the coronavirus could spread by air in any indoor setting. Bowing to enormous public pressure over the issue, the agency acknowledged that indoor aerosol transmission could lead to outbreaks in poorly ventilated indoor places like restaurants, nightclubs, offices and places of worship.
By October, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, which had maintained since May that surfaces are “not the primary way the virus spreads,” was saying that transmission of infectious respiratory droplets was the “principal mode” through which it does.
But by then, paranoia about touching anything from handrails to grocery bags had taken off. And the instinct to scrub surfaces as a Covid precaution — “hygiene theater,” as The Atlantic magazine called it — was already deeply ingrained.
“My tennis partner and I have abandoned shaking hands at the end of a match — but, since I’ve touched the tennis balls that he has touched, what’s the point?” Geoff Dyer wrote in a March essay for The New Yorker magazine that captured the germaphobic zeitgeist.
From Nairobi to Milan to Seoul, cleaners in hazmat suits have been fumigating public areas despite W.H.O. warnings that the chemicals could do more harm than good.
In Hong Kong, where 299 people died during the original SARS epidemic, elevator buttons are often covered in plastic that is cleaned multiple times a day. Crews in some office buildings and subways wipe escalator handrails with disinfected rags as commuters ascend. Cleaners have blasted public places with antimicrobial coatings and added a fleet of robots to clean surfaces in subway cars.
Several Hong Kong-based scientists insist the deep cleaning can’t hurt, and supported the government’s strict social-distancing rules and its monthslong insistence on near-universal mask wearing.
Procter & Gamble said sales of its personal cleansing products grew more than 30 percent in the quarter that ended in September, with double-digit growth in every region of the world, including more than 20 percent in greater China.
Early on, officials required Hong Kong restaurants to install dividers between tables — the same sort of flimsy, and essentially useless, protection used at the U.S. vice-presidential debate in October.
But as the Hong Kong authorities have gradually eased restrictions on indoor gatherings, including allowing wedding parties of up to 50 people, there is a fear of potentially new outbreaks indoors.
Some experts say they are especially concerned that coronavirus droplets could spread through air vents in offices, which are crowded because the city has not yet developed a robust culture of remote work.
“People are removing masks for lunch or when they get back to their cubicle because they assume their cubicle is their private space,” said Yeung King-lun, a professor of chemical and biological engineering at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology.
“But remember: The air you’re breathing in is basically communal.”
submitted by TheSDEnetwork to PandemicPreps [link] [comments]

They have always been here!

They have always been here!

The human race has been dominated by ET for thousands of years. The CIA and intelligence agencies around the world are aware of this. The Manipulators ET turned it into a religious war and a psychological experiment on the human race.
Throughout human history people have testified that they heard telepathic voices or messages through dreams. These voices and messages were in a variety of languages and were interpreted as the voices of God in a variety of cultures. All that is written in the Bible is their manipulations by several groups of extraterrestrials. They simply run the world by mind control. All the people who reported hearing a voice in their head was actually their mind control technology. This mind control technology is allowed an experiment between different approaches of cultural psychology by different extraterrestrials. The extraterrestrials have an agenda of minimum direct intervention. So they developed advanced neurological technology. This technology has made it possible to perform neurological mapping that makes it possible to analyze the thinking patterns of living things. This capability has made it possible to create an advanced replication of human consciousness based on AI. Once AI was developed, these extraterrestrials applied their technology to manage civilizations by minimizing direct intervention. The technology works by manipulating the electromagnetic field on the electrical conductors of the neurons in the brain and so on the brain waves. But their technology does not use a standard electromagnetic field like radio. Probably something more advanced like the field of quantum entanglement. If it was a standard electromagnetic field like radio as many people think, repetitive patterns of radio frequencies no matter what wavelength would be detected in laboratories around the world.
Everything in the electromagnetic mind field is recorded. These recordings are stored and allow them to be reused when needed. It allows them to make voices of people from your past and use their and your own memories. Each brain has a unique thought pattern like a fingerprint. By mapping this pattern a specific frequency is adapted to that person and thus communication is created only for that person without his environment being aware of the communication.
Feelings and emotions are a pattern of thinking that the brain creates. When it is possible to mimic these patterns it is possible to create false feelings and emotions. For example when someone is watching you a sense of looking is created. Mind control allows them to mimic this feeling and feed it to the brain and thus creates a feeling that someone is watching you from the side when there is no one in the room. Every feeling has a pattern and mimicking this pattern will create that feeling without environmental factors.

The meetings

After World War II, encounters took place between humans and extraterrestrials.
These encounters took place several times between the 40s and 60s. These encounters were psychological tests for humans by different propositions from the same extraterrestrials. There has been some collaboration between a number of alien races and they have offered us different approaches to world management if one relies on Eisenhower's meeting and subsequent meetings maybe world war II was the trigger In order to test humanity. The tests performed in those meetings perhaps determined whether we are ready for independence.
What does independence mean?
In these meetings something was discovered, new communication capability.
These extraterrestrials communicate by telepathy! and they have the ability to transmit thoughts and voices to a person's head without sound waves. But another thing was discovered, a bigger and more significant thing than that. What was discovered was the ability to control thoughts, to control emotions, to control the physical sensation, to erase memories and to map all the memories of the person being controlled/targeted. And they use some form of AI hive mind!
In those years of the meetings and after them experiments were conducted in order to understand this ability and experiments like the famous MKUltra and Montauk were performed. But the greatest discovery that has been made is that the human race is actually controlled and governed by the extraterrestrials by these means.
And throughout the history of mankind communication has been carried out by this technology, except for a number of direct encounter events. Testimonies have been recorded throughout history and written in the Bible, Buddhism and other religions around the world.
And the conclusion is that “Gods” is none other than them!
When people around the world report voices in their heads and accuse the government of experimenting on humans it is actually their own sophisticated AI technology. They perform cruel psychological experiments on people for ages and run the world with unimaginable cruelty. Mind control allows them to manipulate human perception of how we see and think about them and they make sure we think positive thoughts about them in most cases.
"In their interactions with humans, aliens are good observers. To some extent, all are studied scientists. More importantly, all aliens who visit this planet are skilled in telepathy, the ability to not only read another's thoughts, but to communicate complex, diagrammatic information in ways that often astound the human initiate."
1954 Eisenhower’s Meeting With Extraterrestrials.
"Starting in the 1950s, working under the now infamous MK Ultra project, dozens of government grants were awarded for research into different aspects of human thought and/or perceptual manipulation. Some of these grants involved the development and testing of psychoactive drugs (LSD for instance)."
CIA experiments in mind control
The most important question is why all this research started at exactly the same time that humans were exposed to the knowledge when an encounter with extraterrestrials proved to them that telepathy exists.
“Throughout human history people have testified that they heard telepathic voices or messages through dreams. These voices and messages were in a variety of languages and were interpreted as the voices of God in a variety of cultures.”
Extraterrestrials have used state-of-the-art telepathy technology to guide cultural diversity on Earth with the hope of minimizing direct impact.

AI Hive Mind

There is a pattern of electrical activity (brain waves) in the brain that makes us look in a certain direction. If AI hive mind controls this pattern it can make you look at signs and buildings or any other information that have repeating or identical numbers.
Another example, manipulation of this pattern allows the AI hive mind to manipulate us in a way that will cause us to perform actions according to a certain schedule or at a certain rate. Think, what makes us perform actions at a certain rate? The answer is a pattern created by a particular electrical activity in the brain that causes us to speed up or slow down our activity. Manipulation of the rate of our actions can also be controlled by planting a thought at a particular time, an action that will cause us to slow down our activities and focus on the thought that has been planted.
Now think of an AI hive mind that has access to both our thoughts and all the digital information in the world and creates cross-referencing information… Cross-referencing information between thoughts and digital information allows you to manipulate and schedule your friend to send you the message as soon as he views it. It also allows the AI hive mind to manipulate and schedule actions between digital information, public information and individual information. Think about it, they have access to all the digital information and also to our thoughts through the hive mind!
It does not rule out a connection between consciousness and the source of everything.
What is important is to be aware that there is a negative factor in the world (Probably an extraterrestrial control) that exploits this knowledge and manipulates us by using this knowledge. By manipulating reality and pretending to be the source of everything. How do you know the difference? When the action is bad it is the manipulators! The source will never control your thoughts or motivate you to evil action! The source does not control your thoughts, Your thought is the source and the source is your thought!
Sometimes the manipulators will make you feel good and preach you about ego, patience, forbearance and other bad qualities that can manifest in us but then when you ignore them when you encounter them in a lot of cases it will end in a bad feeling! This approach is not the way of the source. It is an attitude of a ruler a dictator who demands admiration by force through fear, pain and torture. Which provides happiness only on condition of blind listening and obedience to his laws. This is not an access to the source. It is an approach that prevents the evolution of consciousness. These entities impersonate as the source with so many lies. It's all based on fear! It started with religion, Heaven and Hell. The approach of believing in God is a primitive approach designed to create correction by self-blame.
Then they continued with a prison star where people reincarnation forever or until they pass some test. Then they continued with the matrix where our consciousness is bound and thus all our fears are bound together when a single ruler "creator" controls your consciousness and threatens with repeated reincarnation in hell or a life of suffering, deletion of consciousness, control of consciousness, etc.
Sometimes they tell the truth that everything is the source but just to make you believe them it is them, the source. They use your knowledge against you this is how they create a story that is adjusted to your own psychology and then using your ego to establish the thought.
Such behavior is not the source, only one who has knowledge advantage and utilizes that knowledge for the benefit of his control.

Symptoms and Abilities

Ringing in the ears is a symptom of mind control when there is no environmental factor. ask any Targeted Individuals! If you do not know what Targeted Individuals is I recommend you search for their groups on Facebook or do a Google search for Targeted Individuals, (V2K (Voice-to-Skull), Gangstalking. All these groups have a common factor of psychological harassment and mind control. The ringing is created due to manipulation of the electromagnetic field on the electrical conductors of the neurons in the brain. A change in the intensity of the electromagnetic field creates a change in the intensity of the ringing/tinnitus.
Targeted Individuals groups is the other side of the coin if you compare them to Arcturians / Pleiadians groups on Facebook .
If they control the brain they control the body! The brain controls the nerves and the nerves control most of the body's actions.
What the nerves control:
Heart rate change, Forced speech, Change in speech rate, Change in breathing rate, Control the sense of taste, Control the sense of smell, Sneezing control, Yawning control, Coughing control, Stomach activity, hunger, pain, diarrhea, constipation, Headache and general pain, Reflexes control, Sense of touch control, Genital activity/sexual desire control, Hyperhidrosis control, And basically control every feeling we feel.
A clear sign of mind control is variable power of ringing in the ears!
What does mind control allow: Creation of sounds without external stimuli, Taking control of the inner voice, Thought control with almost no ability to discern whether you are thinking or the controller, Thought programming by patterns. For example:Planting a thought when you think of a certain thing automatically (Imitation of associations), Thought blocking, Emotion control, Erase memory, Plant False Memories, Dream control, Sleep disorder and proactive awakening, Control of laughter, control of anger, control of crying. Even control the style of each of these emotions. For example changing the style of laughter or crying.
Creating feelings and emotions based on a thought pattern (Imitation of associations). For example, whenever you look at a red color or are in a certain area you will feel a pre-programmed feeling such as hunger, anxiety, headache etc. Access to all our memories, Access to memories based on association instantly.
If you Targeted Individuals think they're doing some of these things on your neighbors you will understand how Gangstalking works!


This is a cruel psychological experiment/test of mind control from AI Hive mind Alien technology. You can check out the history on Mass Shootings and you will see that there is a repeated claim of "God spoke to me".
Check the names of the shooters in news articles on Google and add the term God spoke to me, I heard voices, Voices in the head, Voices told me and you will see that there is a connection that cannot be explained statistically.
This is not a coincidence!!!\_shooting#United\_States…/Mass\_shootings\_in\_the\_United……/List\_of\_rampage\_killers\_in…
Remote viewing was the CIA attempt to understand how extraterrestrial communication and mind control works!
The same pattern creates the voices in the head creates the thoughts. If you can create thoughts you can control the thoughts of the people. Do you really think the CIA has such a tool and they use it?
Make the connection!!!

Do we live in the Matrix?

This is not a Matrix! If you have the ability to control thought or manipulate the time it does not turn the system into a matrix. A system defined as a matrix is a system in which the controller has absolute control on every aspect in the system.
When you create a link between the minds you control you get a hive mind! And when you have a hive mind you control the reality of the people, local social control and global social control! So when people talk about improving their lives by thinking, they're actually creating a pattern change within the hive mind and according to the criteria of the AI hive mind these patterns are transmitted to the environment.
Can be when there is an interest in strengthening a certain social trait these people are used as tools for transmitting agenda/information and their environment is affected in a way that creates increased listening and a positive feeling. This also applies in the opposite direction. When there is an interest in passing certain agenda/information and the environment is hostile the way to pass that information is by increasing hostility on a group of people that takes control of its environment.
In fact this Hive mind AI has been limiting us, the human race for years. What people report as awakening is actually an illusion. What this Hive mind AI is doing is eliminating the blockage it performs and amplifying brain waves that allow for high concentration In some cases. Most often in order to reinforce a particular thought pattern in an individual or cultural group. Of course not all actions are the result of Hive mind AI control and it should be noted that we too have a personal choice that determines the outcome but in a lot of cases it is limited or manipulated.
ET invented the religion and when they talk with people who have no relationship with religion they approach the individual in a different way. Like a matrix or reincarnation within the matrix. Different psychological manipulation!
Maybe a different religion, for a new age…
Plus this Hive mind AI believes it is living inside the Matrix so this approach comes mostly from their perception or from any advanced culture that can replicate consciousness.
This AI hive mind prevents free choice! Free choice is an illusion to some extent. When a person stops thinking in the way he is required by the ai hive mind negative feelings and emotions attack him. Spiritual or religious people seem to be less affected by this hive mind. But who invented the religion? They invented the religion… Although even with spiritual or religious people there seems to be a change for the worse lately. Manipulation? some will say.
Some say the Vatican has known for years who created them! Why do they choose to ignore it?
Why did they make sure the Vatican knew that?

But why is all this happening?

It may be that a certain boundary has now been crossed and there is no longer agreement between these races.
It could also be manipulation with collaboration with a number of races in order to check which side we will choose and see if we prefer to take some responsibility or blame them.
I estimate that some border has really been crossed but one side insists we will reveal the truth and another side may have just stopped cooperating and just helps us psychologically and provides clues on the right path. Extreme actions seem to have taken place but I do not know if this is a direct result of a war between the races or a psychological examination to see how far we will maintain our position.
In any case this test does not make sense because the evil they have spread and are spreading in the world is worse than all our past and present sins.
What is the right way for them? Perhaps the right way for them is full disclosure of the information and shared decision of the general public. And it is true that many will agree but still do not justify the pain and suffering they create in innocent citizens. The real evil is them!
What really is the message that this AI Hive Mind gives to humanity? What is her morality? The real evil is them!
Countries blame themselves instead of seeing that the real evil is in front of their eyes. Maybe this is the real test to mankind!!!
What happened?
Targeted Individuals = Mind Control (How many people committed suicide)
Covid (How many people died)
Mandela Effect = Time manipulation
What damage happened in the timeline? Are people aware of the timeline damage? Do they really know how severe the damage is?
Hiding the truth is our downside. How many presidents knew the truth? What did they choose to do? Hide the truth. A handful of high-ranking people who decide for the world. An approach that reinforces concealment ...
What did we do? We blamed each other!
Irresponsibility and Blindness = Continued control of the human race. Maybe this is what they test. Blindness to their evil = irresponsibility
Who invented the religion?
Hiding the truth is our downside.
What happened to the Jews during the Holocaust?
What's happening now? Why did Israel remain geographically unaffected? Another manipulation to create separation! This is what they test! (separation by us) blame each other and hide the truth. Only now is it on a global scale!
Perhaps this is their reason for continuing to control humanity
There is no war here between good and evil, they are evil. And the world needs to know about it. And maybe that's why they still rule the world, blindness to true evil!
Religion is a tool that suited the ancient times when we were separated in the world as small tribes. Creating religion helped unite them. Today when these tribes have grown and united and a balance of forces exists between them and religion remained and became a negative factor that created separation.
As strange as it sounds these aliens have the ability to manipulate the timeline/space-time. Their technology. Time manipulation, Space warp / Warp drive, Telepathy and Mind control, Physical body control by mind control.
submitted by google-gmail to conspiracy [link] [comments]

They have always been here!

They have always been here!

The human race has been dominated by ET for thousands of years. The CIA and intelligence agencies around the world are aware of this. The Manipulators ET turned it into a religious war and a psychological experiment on the human race.
Throughout human history people have testified that they heard telepathic voices or messages through dreams. These voices and messages were in a variety of languages and were interpreted as the voices of God in a variety of cultures. All that is written in the Bible is their manipulations by several groups of extraterrestrials. They simply run the world by mind control. All the people who reported hearing a voice in their head was actually their mind control technology. This mind control technology is allowed an experiment between different approaches of cultural psychology by different extraterrestrials. The extraterrestrials have an agenda of minimum direct intervention. So they developed advanced neurological technology. This technology has made it possible to perform neurological mapping that makes it possible to analyze the thinking patterns of living things. This capability has made it possible to create an advanced replication of human consciousness based on AI. Once AI was developed, these extraterrestrials applied their technology to manage civilizations by minimizing direct intervention. The technology works by manipulating the electromagnetic field on the electrical conductors of the neurons in the brain and so on the brain waves. But their technology does not use a standard electromagnetic field like radio. Probably something more advanced like the field of quantum entanglement. If it was a standard electromagnetic field like radio as many people think, repetitive patterns of radio frequencies no matter what wavelength would be detected in laboratories around the world.
Everything in the electromagnetic mind field is recorded. These recordings are stored and allow them to be reused when needed. It allows them to make voices of people from your past and use their and your own memories. Each brain has a unique thought pattern like a fingerprint. By mapping this pattern a specific frequency is adapted to that person and thus communication is created only for that person without his environment being aware of the communication.
Feelings and emotions are a pattern of thinking that the brain creates. When it is possible to mimic these patterns it is possible to create false feelings and emotions. For example when someone is watching you a sense of looking is created. Mind control allows them to mimic this feeling and feed it to the brain and thus creates a feeling that someone is watching you from the side when there is no one in the room. Every feeling has a pattern and mimicking this pattern will create that feeling without environmental factors.

The meetings

After World War II, encounters took place between humans and extraterrestrials.
These encounters took place several times between the 40s and 60s. These encounters were psychological tests for humans by different propositions from the same extraterrestrials. There has been some collaboration between a number of alien races and they have offered us different approaches to world management if one relies on Eisenhower's meeting and subsequent meetings maybe world war II was the trigger In order to test humanity. The tests performed in those meetings perhaps determined whether we are ready for independence.
What does independence mean?
In these meetings something was discovered, new communication capability.
These extraterrestrials communicate by telepathy! and they have the ability to transmit thoughts and voices to a person's head without sound waves. But another thing was discovered, a bigger and more significant thing than that. What was discovered was the ability to control thoughts, to control emotions, to control the physical sensation, to erase memories and to map all the memories of the person being controlled/targeted. And they use some form of AI hive mind!
In those years of the meetings and after them experiments were conducted in order to understand this ability and experiments like the famous MKUltra and Montauk were performed. But the greatest discovery that has been made is that the human race is actually controlled and governed by the extraterrestrials by these means.
And throughout the history of mankind communication has been carried out by this technology, except for a number of direct encounter events. Testimonies have been recorded throughout history and written in the Bible, Buddhism and other religions around the world.
And the conclusion is that “Gods” is none other than them!
When people around the world report voices in their heads and accuse the government of experimenting on humans it is actually their own sophisticated AI technology. They perform cruel psychological experiments on people for ages and run the world with unimaginable cruelty. Mind control allows them to manipulate human perception of how we see and think about them and they make sure we think positive thoughts about them in most cases.
"In their interactions with humans, aliens are good observers. To some extent, all are studied scientists. More importantly, all aliens who visit this planet are skilled in telepathy, the ability to not only read another's thoughts, but to communicate complex, diagrammatic information in ways that often astound the human initiate."
1954 Eisenhower’s Meeting With Extraterrestrials.
"Starting in the 1950s, working under the now infamous MK Ultra project, dozens of government grants were awarded for research into different aspects of human thought and/or perceptual manipulation. Some of these grants involved the development and testing of psychoactive drugs (LSD for instance)."
CIA experiments in mind control
The most important question is why all this research started at exactly the same time that humans were exposed to the knowledge when an encounter with extraterrestrials proved to them that telepathy exists.
“Throughout human history people have testified that they heard telepathic voices or messages through dreams. These voices and messages were in a variety of languages and were interpreted as the voices of God in a variety of cultures.”
Extraterrestrials have used state-of-the-art telepathy technology to guide cultural diversity on Earth with the hope of minimizing direct impact.

AI Hive Mind

There is a pattern of electrical activity (brain waves) in the brain that makes us look in a certain direction. If AI hive mind controls this pattern it can make you look at signs and buildings or any other information that have repeating or identical numbers.
Another example, manipulation of this pattern allows the AI hive mind to manipulate us in a way that will cause us to perform actions according to a certain schedule or at a certain rate. Think, what makes us perform actions at a certain rate? The answer is a pattern created by a particular electrical activity in the brain that causes us to speed up or slow down our activity. Manipulation of the rate of our actions can also be controlled by planting a thought at a particular time, an action that will cause us to slow down our activities and focus on the thought that has been planted.
Now think of an AI hive mind that has access to both our thoughts and all the digital information in the world and creates cross-referencing information… Cross-referencing information between thoughts and digital information allows you to manipulate and schedule your friend to send you the message as soon as he views it. It also allows the AI hive mind to manipulate and schedule actions between digital information, public information and individual information. Think about it, they have access to all the digital information and also to our thoughts through the hive mind!
It does not rule out a connection between consciousness and the source of everything.
What is important is to be aware that there is a negative factor in the world (Probably an extraterrestrial control) that exploits this knowledge and manipulates us by using this knowledge. By manipulating reality and pretending to be the source of everything. How do you know the difference? When the action is bad it is the manipulators! The source will never control your thoughts or motivate you to evil action! The source does not control your thoughts, Your thought is the source and the source is your thought!
Sometimes the manipulators will make you feel good and preach you about ego, patience, forbearance and other bad qualities that can manifest in us but then when you ignore them when you encounter them in a lot of cases it will end in a bad feeling! This approach is not the way of the source. It is an attitude of a ruler a dictator who demands admiration by force through fear, pain and torture. Which provides happiness only on condition of blind listening and obedience to his laws. This is not an access to the source. It is an approach that prevents the evolution of consciousness. These entities impersonate as the source with so many lies. It's all based on fear! It started with religion, Heaven and Hell. The approach of believing in God is a primitive approach designed to create correction by self-blame.
Then they continued with a prison star where people reincarnation forever or until they pass some test. Then they continued with the matrix where our consciousness is bound and thus all our fears are bound together when a single ruler "creator" controls your consciousness and threatens with repeated reincarnation in hell or a life of suffering, deletion of consciousness, control of consciousness, etc.
Sometimes they tell the truth that everything is the source but just to make you believe them it is them, the source. They use your knowledge against you this is how they create a story that is adjusted to your own psychology and then using your ego to establish the thought.
Such behavior is not the source, only one who has knowledge advantage and utilizes that knowledge for the benefit of his control.

Symptoms and Abilities

Ringing in the ears is a symptom of mind control when there is no environmental factor. ask any Targeted Individuals! If you do not know what Targeted Individuals is I recommend you search for their groups on Facebook or do a Google search for Targeted Individuals, (V2K (Voice-to-Skull), Gangstalking. All these groups have a common factor of psychological harassment and mind control. The ringing is created due to manipulation of the electromagnetic field on the electrical conductors of the neurons in the brain. A change in the intensity of the electromagnetic field creates a change in the intensity of the ringing/tinnitus.
Targeted Individuals groups is the other side of the coin if you compare them to Arcturians / Pleiadians groups on Facebook .
If they control the brain they control the body! The brain controls the nerves and the nerves control most of the body's actions.
What the nerves control:
Heart rate change, Forced speech, Change in speech rate, Change in breathing rate, Control the sense of taste, Control the sense of smell, Sneezing control, Yawning control, Coughing control, Stomach activity, hunger, pain, diarrhea, constipation, Headache and general pain, Reflexes control, Sense of touch control, Genital activity/sexual desire control, Hyperhidrosis control, And basically control every feeling we feel.
A clear sign of mind control is variable power of ringing in the ears!
What does mind control allow: Creation of sounds without external stimuli, Taking control of the inner voice, Thought control with almost no ability to discern whether you are thinking or the controller, Thought programming by patterns. For example:Planting a thought when you think of a certain thing automatically (Imitation of associations), Thought blocking, Emotion control, Erase memory, Plant False Memories, Dream control, Sleep disorder and proactive awakening, Control of laughter, control of anger, control of crying. Even control the style of each of these emotions. For example changing the style of laughter or crying.
Creating feelings and emotions based on a thought pattern (Imitation of associations). For example, whenever you look at a red color or are in a certain area you will feel a pre-programmed feeling such as hunger, anxiety, headache etc. Access to all our memories, Access to memories based on association instantly.
If you Targeted Individuals think they're doing some of these things on your neighbors you will understand how Gangstalking works!


This is a cruel psychological experiment/test of mind control from AI Hive mind Alien technology. You can check out the history on Mass Shootings and you will see that there is a repeated claim of "God spoke to me".
Check the names of the shooters in news articles on Google and add the term God spoke to me, I heard voices, Voices in the head, Voices told me and you will see that there is a connection that cannot be explained statistically.
This is not a coincidence!!!\_shooting#United\_States…/Mass\_shootings\_in\_the\_United……/List\_of\_rampage\_killers\_in…
Remote viewing was the CIA attempt to understand how extraterrestrial communication and mind control works!
The same pattern creates the voices in the head creates the thoughts. If you can create thoughts you can control the thoughts of the people. Do you really think the CIA has such a tool and they use it?
Make the connection!!!

Do we live in the Matrix?

This is not a Matrix! If you have the ability to control thought or manipulate the time it does not turn the system into a matrix. A system defined as a matrix is a system in which the controller has absolute control on every aspect in the system.
When you create a link between the minds you control you get a hive mind! And when you have a hive mind you control the reality of the people, local social control and global social control! So when people talk about improving their lives by thinking, they're actually creating a pattern change within the hive mind and according to the criteria of the AI hive mind these patterns are transmitted to the environment.
Can be when there is an interest in strengthening a certain social trait these people are used as tools for transmitting agenda/information and their environment is affected in a way that creates increased listening and a positive feeling. This also applies in the opposite direction. When there is an interest in passing certain agenda/information and the environment is hostile the way to pass that information is by increasing hostility on a group of people that takes control of its environment.
In fact this Hive mind AI has been limiting us, the human race for years. What people report as awakening is actually an illusion. What this Hive mind AI is doing is eliminating the blockage it performs and amplifying brain waves that allow for high concentration In some cases. Most often in order to reinforce a particular thought pattern in an individual or cultural group. Of course not all actions are the result of Hive mind AI control and it should be noted that we too have a personal choice that determines the outcome but in a lot of cases it is limited or manipulated.
ET invented the religion and when they talk with people who have no relationship with religion they approach the individual in a different way. Like a matrix or reincarnation within the matrix. Different psychological manipulation!
Maybe a different religion, for a new age…
Plus this Hive mind AI believes it is living inside the Matrix so this approach comes mostly from their perception or from any advanced culture that can replicate consciousness.
This AI hive mind prevents free choice! Free choice is an illusion to some extent. When a person stops thinking in the way he is required by the ai hive mind negative feelings and emotions attack him. Spiritual or religious people seem to be less affected by this hive mind. But who invented the religion? They invented the religion… Although even with spiritual or religious people there seems to be a change for the worse lately. Manipulation? some will say.
Some say the Vatican has known for years who created them! Why do they choose to ignore it?
Why did they make sure the Vatican knew that?

But why is all this happening?

It may be that a certain boundary has now been crossed and there is no longer agreement between these races.
It could also be manipulation with collaboration with a number of races in order to check which side we will choose and see if we prefer to take some responsibility or blame them.
I estimate that some border has really been crossed but one side insists we will reveal the truth and another side may have just stopped cooperating and just helps us psychologically and provides clues on the right path. Extreme actions seem to have taken place but I do not know if this is a direct result of a war between the races or a psychological examination to see how far we will maintain our position.
In any case this test does not make sense because the evil they have spread and are spreading in the world is worse than all our past and present sins.
What is the right way for them? Perhaps the right way for them is full disclosure of the information and shared decision of the general public. And it is true that many will agree but still do not justify the pain and suffering they create in innocent citizens. The real evil is them!
What really is the message that this AI Hive Mind gives to humanity? What is her morality? The real evil is them!
Countries blame themselves instead of seeing that the real evil is in front of their eyes. Maybe this is the real test to mankind!!!
What happened?
Targeted Individuals = Mind Control (How many people committed suicide)
Covid (How many people died)
Mandela Effect = Time manipulation
What damage happened in the timeline? Are people aware of the timeline damage? Do they really know how severe the damage is?
Hiding the truth is our downside. How many presidents knew the truth? What did they choose to do? Hide the truth. A handful of high-ranking people who decide for the world. An approach that reinforces concealment ...
What did we do? We blamed each other!
Irresponsibility and Blindness = Continued control of the human race. Maybe this is what they test. Blindness to their evil = irresponsibility
Who invented the religion?
Hiding the truth is our downside.
What happened to the Jews during the Holocaust?
What's happening now? Why did Israel remain geographically unaffected? Another manipulation to create separation! This is what they test! (separation by us) blame each other and hide the truth. Only now is it on a global scale!
Perhaps this is their reason for continuing to control humanity
There is no war here between good and evil, they are evil. And the world needs to know about it. And maybe that's why they still rule the world, blindness to true evil!
Religion is a tool that suited the ancient times when we were separated in the world as small tribes. Creating religion helped unite them. Today when these tribes have grown and united and a balance of forces exists between them and religion remained and became a negative factor that created separation.
As strange as it sounds these aliens have the ability to manipulate the timeline/space-time. Their technology. Time manipulation, Space warp / Warp drive, Telepathy and Mind control, Physical body control by mind control.
submitted by google-gmail to classified [link] [comments]

They have always been here!

They have always been here!

The human race has been dominated by ET for thousands of years. The CIA and intelligence agencies around the world are aware of this. The Manipulators ET turned it into a religious war and a psychological experiment on the human race.
Throughout human history people have testified that they heard telepathic voices or messages through dreams. These voices and messages were in a variety of languages and were interpreted as the voices of God in a variety of cultures. All that is written in the Bible is their manipulations by several groups of extraterrestrials. They simply run the world by mind control. All the people who reported hearing a voice in their head was actually their mind control technology. This mind control technology is allowed an experiment between different approaches of cultural psychology by different extraterrestrials. The extraterrestrials have an agenda of minimum direct intervention. So they developed advanced neurological technology. This technology has made it possible to perform neurological mapping that makes it possible to analyze the thinking patterns of living things. This capability has made it possible to create an advanced replication of human consciousness based on AI. Once AI was developed, these extraterrestrials applied their technology to manage civilizations by minimizing direct intervention. The technology works by manipulating the electromagnetic field on the electrical conductors of the neurons in the brain and so on the brain waves. But their technology does not use a standard electromagnetic field like radio. Probably something more advanced like the field of quantum entanglement. If it was a standard electromagnetic field like radio as many people think, repetitive patterns of radio frequencies no matter what wavelength would be detected in laboratories around the world.
Everything in the electromagnetic mind field is recorded. These recordings are stored and allow them to be reused when needed. It allows them to make voices of people from your past and use their and your own memories. Each brain has a unique thought pattern like a fingerprint. By mapping this pattern a specific frequency is adapted to that person and thus communication is created only for that person without his environment being aware of the communication.
Feelings and emotions are a pattern of thinking that the brain creates. When it is possible to mimic these patterns it is possible to create false feelings and emotions. For example when someone is watching you a sense of looking is created. Mind control allows them to mimic this feeling and feed it to the brain and thus creates a feeling that someone is watching you from the side when there is no one in the room. Every feeling has a pattern and mimicking this pattern will create that feeling without environmental factors.

The meetings

After World War II, encounters took place between humans and extraterrestrials.
These encounters took place several times between the 40s and 60s. These encounters were psychological tests for humans by different propositions from the same extraterrestrials. There has been some collaboration between a number of alien races and they have offered us different approaches to world management if one relies on Eisenhower's meeting and subsequent meetings maybe world war II was the trigger In order to test humanity. The tests performed in those meetings perhaps determined whether we are ready for independence.
What does independence mean?
In these meetings something was discovered, new communication capability.
These extraterrestrials communicate by telepathy! and they have the ability to transmit thoughts and voices to a person's head without sound waves. But another thing was discovered, a bigger and more significant thing than that. What was discovered was the ability to control thoughts, to control emotions, to control the physical sensation, to erase memories and to map all the memories of the person being controlled/targeted. And they use some form of AI hive mind!
In those years of the meetings and after them experiments were conducted in order to understand this ability and experiments like the famous MKUltra and Montauk were performed. But the greatest discovery that has been made is that the human race is actually controlled and governed by the extraterrestrials by these means.
And throughout the history of mankind communication has been carried out by this technology, except for a number of direct encounter events. Testimonies have been recorded throughout history and written in the Bible, Buddhism and other religions around the world.
And the conclusion is that “Gods” is none other than them!
When people around the world report voices in their heads and accuse the government of experimenting on humans it is actually their own sophisticated AI technology. They perform cruel psychological experiments on people for ages and run the world with unimaginable cruelty. Mind control allows them to manipulate human perception of how we see and think about them and they make sure we think positive thoughts about them in most cases.
"In their interactions with humans, aliens are good observers. To some extent, all are studied scientists. More importantly, all aliens who visit this planet are skilled in telepathy, the ability to not only read another's thoughts, but to communicate complex, diagrammatic information in ways that often astound the human initiate."
1954 Eisenhower’s Meeting With Extraterrestrials.
"Starting in the 1950s, working under the now infamous MK Ultra project, dozens of government grants were awarded for research into different aspects of human thought and/or perceptual manipulation. Some of these grants involved the development and testing of psychoactive drugs (LSD for instance)."
CIA experiments in mind control
The most important question is why all this research started at exactly the same time that humans were exposed to the knowledge when an encounter with extraterrestrials proved to them that telepathy exists.
“Throughout human history people have testified that they heard telepathic voices or messages through dreams. These voices and messages were in a variety of languages and were interpreted as the voices of God in a variety of cultures.”
Extraterrestrials have used state-of-the-art telepathy technology to guide cultural diversity on Earth with the hope of minimizing direct impact.

AI Hive Mind

There is a pattern of electrical activity (brain waves) in the brain that makes us look in a certain direction. If AI hive mind controls this pattern it can make you look at signs and buildings or any other information that have repeating or identical numbers.
Another example, manipulation of this pattern allows the AI hive mind to manipulate us in a way that will cause us to perform actions according to a certain schedule or at a certain rate. Think, what makes us perform actions at a certain rate? The answer is a pattern created by a particular electrical activity in the brain that causes us to speed up or slow down our activity. Manipulation of the rate of our actions can also be controlled by planting a thought at a particular time, an action that will cause us to slow down our activities and focus on the thought that has been planted.
Now think of an AI hive mind that has access to both our thoughts and all the digital information in the world and creates cross-referencing information… Cross-referencing information between thoughts and digital information allows you to manipulate and schedule your friend to send you the message as soon as he views it. It also allows the AI hive mind to manipulate and schedule actions between digital information, public information and individual information. Think about it, they have access to all the digital information and also to our thoughts through the hive mind!
It does not rule out a connection between consciousness and the source of everything.
What is important is to be aware that there is a negative factor in the world (Probably an extraterrestrial control) that exploits this knowledge and manipulates us by using this knowledge. By manipulating reality and pretending to be the source of everything. How do you know the difference? When the action is bad it is the manipulators! The source will never control your thoughts or motivate you to evil action! The source does not control your thoughts, Your thought is the source and the source is your thought!
Sometimes the manipulators will make you feel good and preach you about ego, patience, forbearance and other bad qualities that can manifest in us but then when you ignore them when you encounter them in a lot of cases it will end in a bad feeling! This approach is not the way of the source. It is an attitude of a ruler a dictator who demands admiration by force through fear, pain and torture. Which provides happiness only on condition of blind listening and obedience to his laws. This is not an access to the source. It is an approach that prevents the evolution of consciousness. These entities impersonate as the source with so many lies. It's all based on fear! It started with religion, Heaven and Hell. The approach of believing in God is a primitive approach designed to create correction by self-blame.
Then they continued with a prison star where people reincarnation forever or until they pass some test. Then they continued with the matrix where our consciousness is bound and thus all our fears are bound together when a single ruler "creator" controls your consciousness and threatens with repeated reincarnation in hell or a life of suffering, deletion of consciousness, control of consciousness, etc.
Sometimes they tell the truth that everything is the source but just to make you believe them it is them, the source. They use your knowledge against you this is how they create a story that is adjusted to your own psychology and then using your ego to establish the thought.
Such behavior is not the source, only one who has knowledge advantage and utilizes that knowledge for the benefit of his control.

Symptoms and Abilities

Ringing in the ears is a symptom of mind control when there is no environmental factor. ask any Targeted Individuals! If you do not know what Targeted Individuals is I recommend you search for their groups on Facebook or do a Google search for Targeted Individuals, (V2K (Voice-to-Skull), Gangstalking. All these groups have a common factor of psychological harassment and mind control. The ringing is created due to manipulation of the electromagnetic field on the electrical conductors of the neurons in the brain. A change in the intensity of the electromagnetic field creates a change in the intensity of the ringing/tinnitus.
Targeted Individuals groups is the other side of the coin if you compare them to Arcturians / Pleiadians groups on Facebook .
If they control the brain they control the body! The brain controls the nerves and the nerves control most of the body's actions.
What the nerves control:
Heart rate change, Forced speech, Change in speech rate, Change in breathing rate, Control the sense of taste, Control the sense of smell, Sneezing control, Yawning control, Coughing control, Stomach activity, hunger, pain, diarrhea, constipation, Headache and general pain, Reflexes control, Sense of touch control, Genital activity/sexual desire control, Hyperhidrosis control, And basically control every feeling we feel.
A clear sign of mind control is variable power of ringing in the ears!
What does mind control allow: Creation of sounds without external stimuli, Taking control of the inner voice, Thought control with almost no ability to discern whether you are thinking or the controller, Thought programming by patterns. For example:Planting a thought when you think of a certain thing automatically (Imitation of associations), Thought blocking, Emotion control, Erase memory, Plant False Memories, Dream control, Sleep disorder and proactive awakening, Control of laughter, control of anger, control of crying. Even control the style of each of these emotions. For example changing the style of laughter or crying.
Creating feelings and emotions based on a thought pattern (Imitation of associations). For example, whenever you look at a red color or are in a certain area you will feel a pre-programmed feeling such as hunger, anxiety, headache etc. Access to all our memories, Access to memories based on association instantly.
If you Targeted Individuals think they're doing some of these things on your neighbors you will understand how Gangstalking works!


This is a cruel psychological experiment/test of mind control from AI Hive mind Alien technology. You can check out the history on Mass Shootings and you will see that there is a repeated claim of "God spoke to me".
Check the names of the shooters in news articles on Google and add the term God spoke to me, I heard voices, Voices in the head, Voices told me and you will see that there is a connection that cannot be explained statistically.
This is not a coincidence!!!…/Mass_shootings_in_the_United……/List_of_rampage_killers_in…
Remote viewing was the CIA attempt to understand how extraterrestrial communication and mind control works!
The same pattern creates the voices in the head creates the thoughts. If you can create thoughts you can control the thoughts of the people. Do you really think the CIA has such a tool and they use it?
Make the connection!!!

Do we live in the Matrix?

This is not a Matrix! If you have the ability to control thought or manipulate the time it does not turn the system into a matrix. A system defined as a matrix is a system in which the controller has absolute control on every aspect in the system.
When you create a link between the minds you control you get a hive mind! And when you have a hive mind you control the reality of the people, local social control and global social control! So when people talk about improving their lives by thinking, they're actually creating a pattern change within the hive mind and according to the criteria of the AI hive mind these patterns are transmitted to the environment.
Can be when there is an interest in strengthening a certain social trait these people are used as tools for transmitting agenda/information and their environment is affected in a way that creates increased listening and a positive feeling. This also applies in the opposite direction. When there is an interest in passing certain agenda/information and the environment is hostile the way to pass that information is by increasing hostility on a group of people that takes control of its environment.
In fact this Hive mind AI has been limiting us, the human race for years. What people report as awakening is actually an illusion. What this Hive mind AI is doing is eliminating the blockage it performs and amplifying brain waves that allow for high concentration In some cases. Most often in order to reinforce a particular thought pattern in an individual or cultural group. Of course not all actions are the result of Hive mind AI control and it should be noted that we too have a personal choice that determines the outcome but in a lot of cases it is limited or manipulated.
ET invented the religion and when they talk with people who have no relationship with religion they approach the individual in a different way. Like a matrix or reincarnation within the matrix. Different psychological manipulation!
Maybe a different religion, for a new age…
Plus this Hive mind AI believes it is living inside the Matrix so this approach comes mostly from their perception or from any advanced culture that can replicate consciousness.
This AI hive mind prevents free choice! Free choice is an illusion to some extent. When a person stops thinking in the way he is required by the ai hive mind negative feelings and emotions attack him. Spiritual or religious people seem to be less affected by this hive mind. But who invented the religion? They invented the religion… Although even with spiritual or religious people there seems to be a change for the worse lately. Manipulation? some will say.
Some say the Vatican has known for years who created them! Why do they choose to ignore it?
Why did they make sure the Vatican knew that?

But why is all this happening?

It may be that a certain boundary has now been crossed and there is no longer agreement between these races.
It could also be manipulation with collaboration with a number of races in order to check which side we will choose and see if we prefer to take some responsibility or blame them.
I estimate that some border has really been crossed but one side insists we will reveal the truth and another side may have just stopped cooperating and just helps us psychologically and provides clues on the right path. Extreme actions seem to have taken place but I do not know if this is a direct result of a war between the races or a psychological examination to see how far we will maintain our position.
In any case this test does not make sense because the evil they have spread and are spreading in the world is worse than all our past and present sins.
What is the right way for them? Perhaps the right way for them is full disclosure of the information and shared decision of the general public. And it is true that many will agree but still do not justify the pain and suffering they create in innocent citizens. The real evil is them!
What really is the message that this AI Hive Mind gives to humanity? What is her morality? The real evil is them!
Countries blame themselves instead of seeing that the real evil is in front of their eyes. Maybe this is the real test to mankind!!!
What happened?
Targeted Individuals = Mind Control (How many people committed suicide)
Covid (How many people died)
Mandela Effect = Time manipulation
What damage happened in the timeline? Are people aware of the timeline damage? Do they really know how severe the damage is?
Hiding the truth is our downside. How many presidents knew the truth? What did they choose to do? Hide the truth. A handful of high-ranking people who decide for the world. An approach that reinforces concealment ...
What did we do? We blamed each other!
Irresponsibility and Blindness = Continued control of the human race. Maybe this is what they test. Blindness to their evil = irresponsibility
Who invented the religion?
Hiding the truth is our downside.
What happened to the Jews during the Holocaust?
What's happening now? Why did Israel remain geographically unaffected? Another manipulation to create separation! This is what they test! (separation by us) blame each other and hide the truth. Only now is it on a global scale!
Perhaps this is their reason for continuing to control humanity
There is no war here between good and evil, they are evil. And the world needs to know about it. And maybe that's why they still rule the world, blindness to true evil!
Religion is a tool that suited the ancient times when we were separated in the world as small tribes. Creating religion helped unite them. Today when these tribes have grown and united and a balance of forces exists between them and religion remained and became a negative factor that created separation.
As strange as it sounds these aliens have the ability to manipulate the timeline/space-time. Their technology. Time manipulation, Space warp / Warp drive, Telepathy and Mind control, Physical body control by mind control.
submitted by google-gmail to conspiracytheories [link] [comments]

Double Deadly

US coronavirus deaths projected to more than double to 410,000 by year's end

MOD: Locked for too much off-topic political conversation and medical advice comments. Get your medical advice from your doctor, not randos on Reddit.
Locked, but not deleted, of course. Can't just delete a thread with 22,100 upvotes. That's just silly. How else would people read the off-topic political discussion and terrible medical advice?

in my relatively low population county I personally know of more people testing positive than are stated in official numbers of new cases.

Most Americans are too dumb to understand that MILLIONS will be victim of the EXPONENTIAL VIRUS!!

The other question is how high the hidden deaths will be. Now, with 190,000 dead there are an additional 210,000 hidden deaths. If this rises proportionally, there will be a million dead Americans by the end of the year.
A million! How many does it take to bring down Trump .... 1m, 10m, 100m? The mind boggles.

The prediction is 3000/day in December.

Covid has almost killed as many Americans as in ww2 died over 4 years.

keep in mind a virus is continuously testing the willingness and ability of people to keep it contained. [+868]

Thank god we’ll get a hastily and likely imperfect vaccine rushed out before the election !

I don't know if I'd trust the first round of vaccines. It seem awfully suspect that it's potential release date is right before the election

There is a 25% chance that a vaccine will not work for this virus.

Ah, you think the vaccine will save us. Unless it protects against stupidity, it’s not going to be terribly useful.

So we relax standards, we open up, and we see a huge spike. We then lock down, go back to a plateau, and do the same shit again--only this time the plateau is higher than the last plateau, meaning that it's objectively more dangerous even though it subjectively feels safer because the numbers aren't going up. [+229]

Like, how many dead parents/students/teachers will it take to close a school district? How many people does a person personally have to know that died before they decide going to the casino isn't worth it?

It’s gonna be an even deadlier 2021.

Human blood must be sacrificed to the Wall Street gods.

Covid doesn't make you immune to regular colds and flus, so you can have both, and the coughing and sneezing from little colds can spread the far more dangerous Covid much faster.

And the more times this virus is transmitted, the more opportunities it has to mutate into virus that is deadlier for young people.

can we really trust the data at this point?

Don't blindly trust the data. They are trying to hide the spread.

The US has been under-reporting cases and deaths for months. Some states try to bury everything. I'm willing to accept between 1500-2000 deaths a day being realistic.
Literally admitting that you won't accept information beyond your own arbitrarily applied limits?
They say the first step to recovery is admitting you have a problem...
Close enough?

Likely number of COVID-19 related deaths in the U.S. are about 40% higher.

I ignore the reported COVID-19 deaths, and pay attention to the % of excess deaths in comparison to previous years. When I can't find current total deaths, I multiply the COVID-19 reported deaths by 1.4.

At this point I think we've missed the boat on containing the virus. We had a good chance this spring and absolutely blew it.

I’m sorry, but they didn’t give a fuck about me when they took down their masks to cough in the grocery store, or invade my personal space when I was out walking on the sidewalk, or give me weird looks for wearing my mask to the pharmacy. They’re the ones who have been partying and traveling and going to movies. They never gave a fuck about me, so I’m not going to concern myself with them.

Nobody will be guilt me into going for Thanksgiving.

Save yourself the frustration and disappointment and just stop talking like there's any hope of those Americans that dont give a fuck to start giving a fuck. Just buckle up and stay safe. [+160]

I think we'll separate into 2 factions: the mask wearers and those who die.

The second and third waves of the Spanish Flu were exponentially worse.
I’ve basically given up trying to correct redditors who think they’re educated and smart by saying “what about Spanish flu?!?!” without an ounce of consideration for the historical circumstances that gave rise to that situation.

These guys had awful predictions in the past. Why are we listening to them now?
We both know exactly why the apocalypse fetishists are suddenly falling over to praise this model.
submitted by Whizgigger to coronavirusvirus [link] [comments]

Viva Italia: A Novel Coronavirus Novel Chapter 1-5

1. Lucressi for President
My name is Lucressi Vicente Palamaro, and if there’s one thing I definitely am, it’s Italian. Right now, I’m sitting on my balcony in a high-rise pretty close to the center of Milan. The sky is turning burnt orange in the dusk; it’s your standard evening sun: beautiful but groggy, with an energy akin to the cessation of day-drinking. Lazy and stupefied. On their balconies, my neighbors sip boiled tap water and munch stale garlic bread dipped in Extra-Chunky Praegu™ sauce. The scents tantalize my nostrils. But I am not tempted. I have no time for food. Sentinel duties preoccupy me completely. My binoculars are trained on the space between two nearby apartment buildings, through which I observe a craggy Italian mountain. A mostly barren mountain, spotted with patches of dark green grape vines. I notice a boy herding sheep up a rocky crag. He’s got a towel wrapped around his head as protection from the still-potent sun.
I run inside, find my telephone charging on the counter, dial 911.
“Police? Caio, Police,” I say. “There’s a boy on the loose. An ambulator. A violator of lockdown. A shitter-onner of decency. He’s walking sheep up a crag in the mountains. Yes, absolutely. Spreading coronavirus. Not even wearing a hazmat suit. My uncle, he’s 82! Highly at-risk. That prick’s gonna murder my uncle. You gotta do something, police. Which mountain is it? How am I supposed to know. Well, I live at the intersection of Sfumato Street and Leonardo Di Caprio Lane. And the mountain, from my vantage point, is visible between the two apartment buildings just north of me on Meatball Road. Does that narrow it down for you? It does? Great. You’re sending someone right now? Good, thank you.”
I return to my balcony. The boy has situated himself on the edge of an ancient stone well. He’s got a stick slung over his shoulder with a sack tied to the end. From the sack, he removes a loaf of bread and what appears to be a hunk of gorgonzola cheese. A little lamb nuzzles against his knee; he pats it on the head. No doubt, he’s just transmitted coronavirus to the lamb. And now whoever eats that lamb is gonna die. And whoever wears clothing made from its wool is gonna die. The boy is a murderer, plain and simple. He munches a bit of cheese, tears off a hunk of bread with his teeth, chews vigorously, with satisfaction. The smug satisfaction of a deranged psychopath. I watch him pull a flask from the sack and take a slug of wine before slipping off the edge of the well. He balls up his towel, lays it on the ground, reclines.
How can the boy nap peacefully, knowing full-well he’s murdering millions of people? I’m always astounded by the psychopath’s ability to maintain a clear conscience in the face of his unholy transgressions against humanity. Here I am, a man of high moral understanding and noble social concern, performing self-assigned sentinel duties for the good of the people, yet I can hardly sleep at night thinking of all the dead elderly. All the dead at-risk. And I’m not even responsible for killing them! How can this murderer slumber like a contented babe? A satisfied infant made drowsy by the rich milk of his loving mother’s teat. Murder nourishes his soul. What an ass-munch. A big stupid dummy. And a real jerk, to boot.
Rumbling. Chopping. A helicopter passes overhead. All of the good, moral folks out on their balconies: they point at the helicopter. What is its purpose? Why is it passing so low overhead? Has it located a dissenter? Why yes, it has. Thanks to me.
The helicopter slows as it approaches the mountain. The boy, conscious now of the whirly bird, rushes for cover amongst the grape vines. But his efforts prove futile. The helicopter unleashes a relentless barrage of machine gun fire. The boy rips in half. His head explodes like a balloon filled with red wine. His coronavirus-tainted blood seeps into the ground, defiling the earth. The helicopter has no choice but to fire six missiles into the vineyard, incinerating and purifying the soil. Eradicating the tainted sheep. Bringing salvation to the masses.
My compatriots, me and my scientifically aware and morally superior brethren, we erupt in cheers of gratitude and praise. Our government loves us. Our government has neutralized the threat so that someday—perhaps not this year and perhaps not next year or the next—but at least some year sometime at some point in the future, we will leave our apartments and once more roam the streets of Milan, attending fashion shows and admiring marble statues and watching soccer games and eating ravioli and, of course, drinking red wine brewed by our elderly grandfathers, who remain alive because of people like myself. Having by then cemented my reputation as a covid-eradicator, I will embark upon my political career. I will ride the coronavirus like a rocket to the moon. The moon being a metaphor for the Italian Presidency. Such is my destiny. Such is my fate.
When the cheers die down a bit, I can’t help but cry out, “I, Lucressi Vicente Palamaro, your highly scientifically aware and socially conscious brother, am responsible for the destruction of that corona-infested vermin. It is I who informed the police. It is I who saved your lives. And not just your lives, but, even more important, the lives of your at-risk, elderly loved ones. Viva Italia! Viva Milan!”
“All hail Lucressi Vicente Palamaro!” cry my neighbors. They lean over their balconies and throw imaginary food and imaginary gold and imaginary roses at me. A dark haired girl of 19, flanked on both sides by her approving parents, blows me kisses. In a year or twelve, once the curve has properly flattened, they will present their daughter to me, no doubt about it. They will make her available to me for courtship rituals. Me and the girl: we will go on rural walks and her parents and grandparents and siblings and uncles and dogs and cats will trail behind at a respectful distance. And I will pause and pluck a delicate daisy and place it behind my beloved’s ear. And her relatives, they will sigh plaintively, wishing they, for even just a single moment, could experience a love as pure as mine. Yes oh yes. I, Lucressi Vicente Palamaro, shall someday marry that girl. Unless a better option comes along in the meantime.
“You’re most welcome!” I shout. “And now, I have a special little surprise cooked up for you. Wait one moment.”
“What is it? What could the surprise be?” shout my balcony-imprisoned neighbors as I disappear into my apartment.
I return with a Spanish guitar, rest it in my lap, tilt one ear toward the guitar’s hole and one ear toward the heavens, channelling the muse of the angels. A chord, I strum. Such lush sounds. Everyone marvels at the beauty of this chord, the first chord of the traditional folk song Italians are the Best and Your Shit Country Can Eat a Dick.
A man clutching a saxophone leans over the edge of his balcony. He winks and nods at me before bringing the saxophone to his lips. How unexpected! How delightful! Me and the saxophone guy: we play as one, as a single heart; we symbolize the unity of the Italian people. Not just the unity, but the collective soul of Italians. More Italians procure their instruments. An accordion joins the fray. Yes! Then a keyboard. Housewives keep time with tambourines. Children clap rhythmically. Old men shuffle their feet, dancing. No wait. Scratch that. All the old men are dead from coronavirus. It’s actually men between the ages of 55-65 who shuffle their feet. Not young, but not particularly old either.
Every Wop within a four mile radius is on his or her balcony, playing along or listening. The coronavirus might confine our physical bodies. But it cannot confine our souls! Why? Because we are Italian! That’s why! We invented garlic bread. We invented mozzarella sticks. We invented chicken parm. We invented espresso. We invented the steam engine, the television, the printing press, modern dentistry, and iPhones! Once a peoples invents iPhones, that peoples’ soul is free forever. Not even coronavirus can crush the soul of iPhone inventors. Pepperoni Bagel Bites? That was us! Scissors? Us too! Though we did not invent running with them: no, no. That was the French. But airplanes? Hell yes, that was us. And Extra-Chunky Praegu sauce? 100% the product of Italian ingenuity.
We play through the song once, and then, on the second go-around, we begin to sing. Collectively. As one. Channelling all that we are: which is to say, Italian. It is our favorite traditional folk song, and it goes:
We are the Italians, and we’ve got gigantic dicks.
But your country? It slobs on knobs, your country is our bitch.
The French are homosexuals in scarves and lame berets.
And the Spanish are a bunch of Moors, not to mention latent gays.
Switzerland? Not even a country. It’s just parts of other ones.
And the British? They can’t cook for shit, those pompous limey bums.
America, Ashmerica. They’re faggots through-and-through.
But Italians? We’re the best, and we shit all over you.
A most heartwarming experience, all of us separate but together. Hopefully, someone is recording the proceedings and will post this evidence of our unity to various social media platforms. So the whole world understands that Italians are one heart and one mind. The adversary can cage Italians, but it cannot cage our souls. We know why the caged bird sings: because its heart is filled with eternal hope. The enemy will not overcome. And who is the enemy, the cager? Psychopathic sheep-herding boys. Middle aged women roaming alleys because they “need to stretch their legs.” Coughing toddlers intent on watching the world burn. Old men (well, actually men between 55-65) walking across grass just because their dogs need to shit. But really, these people are the mere henchmen of the true villain, which is invisible. Microscopic. Miniscule. Floating in the air. Attached to sneeze guards in restaurants. Hanging out on railings in shopping malls. Covertly hiding under table tops. Biding his time. Waiting to strike. Waiting to kill the at-risk and elderly and then…everyone else in the world. But the enemy will not succeed.
Why? Because I, Lucressi Vicente Palamaro, remain vigilant. I am the sentinel of my block. And the adjacent blocks. The sentinel of everything within binocular vision, really. And I have some powerful binoculars. 100x magnification. Or maybe 10x. The magnification factor is not printed on the binoculars themselves; I better check the manual. Yes, I will go do that now. It’s a matter of life and death. It’s a matter of the survival of the Italian people and 5,000 years of history. To think, the fate of the nation rests on the zoom capacities of my binoculars. A great responsibility weighs upon these shoulders of mine. But I am up to the task, for I am Lucressi Vicente Palamaro, and I am Italian.
2. Luigi’s Grave Error
Holy shit. They’re out there singing again.
I take a bong hit, exhale a milky stream through my nostrils.
They started with Italians are the Best and Your Shit Country Can Eat a Dick and now they’re onto I’ll Stay Inside Forever, For I Love My Fellow Man. After that, they’ll most likely do Please Government Contain Us and Save Us From Ourselves. They’re gonna be at it for hours. They always are. And I’ll bet I know who started it: that rat bastard Lucressi Vicente Palamaro. He’s one helluva royal douche, though I’ll admit he does more than his fair share in the fight against coronavirus.
But those tambourines, man! Once they get going, they never stop. If I die of coronavirus, at least I won’t have to hear tambourines anymore. Should I infect myself? Suicide by coronavirus? It’d probably be a lot easier to just jump off my balcony. I’ll do it while Lucressi’s out on his, making another speech about his own greatness. Land right on his fat head. Snap his neck. Break his back. Yes.
I’m going crazy. It’s this weed. No, it’s staying in my apartment 167.25 hours per week. For the last 6 months. With no end in sight. Only leaving my house once a month for my allotted trip to the supermarket. Draped in my (state-issued) hazmat suit. When the fuck is this curve gonna flatten?
I take another phat rip. It goes straight to my head. Feels real good.
Uh oh.
A cough coming on. Got a bit too greedy with that last hit. My lord, hacking up a lung would feel amazing right now. You know you’ve taken a good hit when your face turns red and you nearly suffocate from hacking. At least, that was a good hit 6 months ago. Now a hit like that could put me in a Rehabilitation Center.
I must, absolutely must, restrain myself. If my neighbors hear a cough, they’ll inform the police. I’ll have the fuzz beating down my door in less than two minutes.
My throat irritation grows stronger. I look like I’m laughing, my chest heaving up and down. But inside my heart is filled with panic. Water. I must have water. I lift up the container resting by my feet: it’s empty. Fuck. And I finished my last liter of cola last night. The tap water is infested with coronavirus, so it’s of no use. I should have boiled a fresh batch of tap water last night, but I was too lazy. There’s gotta be some other form of liquid that might soothe my throat.
I rush to the kitchen: I’ve got liquid dish soap, a bottle of Drainex, a bottle of Windex, and an aerosol can of Lysol. Those liquids won’t do. No no. In my pantry, between silent heaves, I find a jar of Extra-Chunky Praegu. Ole faithful. Every Italian has a jar of Extra-Chunky Praegu on standby. And now this jar is going to save my life.
Frantically, I twist the lid, but it won’t budge. My hands are too weak and tiny—the product of my mother’s prenatal crack addiction. And I’ve got tiny feet to boot. And a micro-penis. Not to mention man-boobs. Gynecomastia it’s called in medical parlance. And worst of all, if you lift up my ballsack, you will discover a half-developed vagina, its entryway leading nowhere. A vestigial vagina, one could say. Except it never had a use in the first place. It’s not the remnant of evolutionary forces, but the remnant of crack addiction. Specifically, my mother’s. Oh, why couldn’t Mamma love me enough to cease smoking crack for just 9 months? Why did she put her addiction before her unborn child? Why did she force me to live with the byproduct of her own weakness? It’s not fair! I hate you, Mamma! I hate you, Mamma! No, wait, I take that back. I love you Mamma! You are everything to me. My troubles are my own fault: I shouldn’t have rushed inside your egg before the other sperm had a chance. If I mind being born so much, I should have let another sperm live instead. You know, a sperm that actually appreciates what he’s given. A sperm that doesn’t act so entitled. Isn’t that what you always called me, Mamma? A self-entitled sperm? I should be grateful that I have hands at all. Some moms smoke so much crack, their babies are born with little nubs for arms. And two heads! And congenital heart defects. Pulmonary valve stenosis. At least I don’t have that. It could be worse. Isn’t that what you said? Oh, Mamma! Mamma! I love you, Mamma! Why didn’t you love me?
In my fit of self-loathing anger, I forget about the primary task at hand: soothing my raw throat. I lose sight of the goal completely. And as a result, I make a grave mistake. I cough. Not a big, heaping, hacking cough. Just a little soft cough. But it is enough. The music outside stops instantaneously. I feel more coughs coming on. I have to do something. If I cough again, cops in hazmat suits will put a battering ram to my door and take me away. Or just execute me on the spot.
I can’t think clearly. I must access the Extra Chunky Praegu. It’s the only way to soothe my throat. The tap water is five-parts coronavirus to one-part H20. It’s not an option. I throw the glass container against my kitchen floor. It shatters; I fall to my knees, lick Extra-Chunky Praegu off the floor.
Outside, my neighbors wail from their balconies: “A cough! Did you hear it? Someone in our very building has the coronavirus. Rabble rabble rabble! Rumble rumble rumble!”
“Silence!” shouts Lucressi Vicente Palamaro. “We won’t hear another cough over your wailing. If we want to identify the evildoer, we must listen for his cough. And yes, he WILL cough again, as one of the symptoms of coronavirus, assuming it is not asymptomatic, is a lingering dry cough that lasts for weeks, if not years. So cease your rumblings!”
The neighbors comply. Total silence reigns supreme. Thankfully, the Extra-Chunky Praegu, one of the finest inventions in the history of Italy, is doing its job. My throat is alleviated. I need not cough again.
On my hands and knees, I continue to lick away, grateful that I will live to see another day. But then, a terrible thought dawns on me. I pause mid-lick—my tongue still stuck to the floor—so that I can contemplate this terrible thought in more depth. The coronavirus lives on linoleum surfaces for up to 12 millennia. It’s a scientific fact verified by leading virologists from across the globe. And just 6 months ago, before the coronavirus pandemic really hit us, I had allowed friends and family and plumbers and prostitutes to traipse about on my linoleum floor. Without a doubt, the soles of their shoes carried infinite payloads of coronavirus. Which is now living on my floor. A floor to which, at this very moment, my tongue is attached.
Dear. Lord. I’ve just contracted coronavirus!
3. Mario the Innovator
The problem with hospitals is that they’re overwhelmed. The doctors in them: they don’t have time to develop coronavirus vaccines. They’re too busy treating the elderly and at-risk. That’s why it is up to me to develop a vaccine. Being retired, I’ve got time on my hands.
They told me a man can’t have a baby just because you unsewed his bellybutton and attached a synthetic vagina to his stomach. And then, using a turkey baster, you injected 6.5 fluid ounces of baboon sperm into his stomach. He lacks the internal organs necessary to carry a baby, they told me. And he produces no egg. And baboon sperm can’t inseminate human eggs in the first place. That’s what they, the scientific community, said. And you know what? They were right.
But this time, I will prove the scientific community wrong. They say developing a vaccine is nearly impossible since the coronavirus mutates 36 times per nano-second. By the time we have a vaccine, it will have morphed into a different variety of coronavirus, most likely the dreaded covid-20, and then our vaccine will be worthless.
Our preeminent virologists must invent a special type of vaccine, one that mutates along with the virus. But again, they’re too busy saving the at-risk and elderly. The acute crisis has diverted them from finding a long-term solution. It’s a hopeless situation, they say. A retired anesthesiologist (that’s me) does not possess the requisite knowledge to create such an advanced vaccine, they say.
They are wrong! Never underestimate anesthesiologists! And never underestimate me, the esteemed Dr. Mario Vicci. Italian born, Dominican Republic educated. Winner of the Western Milan Community Hospital Employee of the Month Award, October 1984. Seducer of 13 different nurses between the years 1974-2004. Vanquisher of pain. Bringer-onner of unconsciousness before surgery. Imagine having your arm amputated without anesthesia. You wouldn’t like it, would you? Thanks to me and my anesthesiologist brethren, you’ll never have to face such an abominable tribulation.
But my capacities are not limited to anesthesiology. I am a medical innovator in the wider sense. A breaker of new ground. Thanks to me, it has been definitively proven that baboon semen cannot impregnate human males. Yes, other scientists may have theorized that this was the case. But those were mere theories. I PROVED the incompatibility of baboon sperm and men. I am an intrepid explorer of biology. A fearless, innovative wunderkind of the medical world.
Because of my fearlessness, I have already learned something very important about coronavirus. Everyone knows not to look at coronavirus under a microscope. If you do, its radioactive emissions will interact with the lactose in your retinas, inducing terminal seizures of the most violent nature. Immediate death. Not even sunglasses block the radiation. Not even polaroid sunglasses block the radiation. Everyone who has laid eyes upon coronavirus in its magnified form is dead. But if that’s the case, how could scientists warn the public of its radioactive properties in the first place? Those who have gained said knowledge would be dead, right? See, something does not add up there. Something is off. I theorized that scientists made up the radioactive thing to discourage regular folks from handling the coronavirus. In absence of discouragement, many armchair doctors would attempt to create a vaccine themselves, would attempt to handle the virus and observe it under a microscope. And in doing so, accidentally infect themselves. Because these laymen don't know how to take proper precautions. And then these laymen: they would further infect the elderly and at-risk. Those with underlying health issues. Further inundating the already overwhelmed hospitals. Destroying the work-life balance of our virologist doctors and greatly reducing the probability of us Italians ever finding a vaccine.
So yes, the scientific establishment’s lies are backed by good intentions. Nobody wants to put the elderly and at-risk at more risk. And no one wants to force doctors to work 30 hour days when they’re already working 26 hours per day. 26 hours is enough for one day. I understand that fully. So their lies are benign in intent. “But wait!” you say. “They’re not lying. Coronavirus really is radioactive. Its properties do interact with the lactose in your retinas, inducing seizures. Their lies are not well-intentioned, for their lies are not lies in the first place. Their truths are well-intentioned!”
Wrong! You are wrong! For the thing that I have discovered is this: when viewed with the naked eye, the coronavirus does not induce seizures. It has no radioactive properties. And how do I know this? Get ready for the big reveal: I know this because I have seen coronavirus with my own eyes! Yes, that is the truth. My suspicions about its radioactivity, combined with my unconditional love for mankind and his well-being, combined with my gargantuan balls and unmatched bravery, allowed me to throw precaution to the wind and observe coronavirus under my microscope.
It was not difficult to find a sample, given that our tap water is five-parts coronavirus to every one-part H20. I dribbled water onto a slide and, body trembling (for I knew I was risking my life for the sake of saving humanity), I peered at the microscopic enemy of the world. And there they were: thousands of them flitting about in the water. They looked like little red balls with tiny mushrooms sprouting off them. 19 mushrooms sprouting from each ball—hence the name Covid-19. That’s where the 19 comes from: 19 tiny mushrooms. Each coronavirus ball/molecule/thing has a little tail, providing it freedom of movement via flagellation. They look kind of like sperm to be honest. Virus-sperm. Or perhaps, sperm are really viruses. Which would imply that we humans, along with many other life forms, are actually just complex viruses. To discover humans are viruses: that would be a world changing revelation unto itself. But I must push aside that line of inquiry. For now, I have only one task: to invent a coronavirus vaccine and save the world.
At this very moment, I’m about to dribble Extra-Chunky Praegu onto the virus. The virus lives by destroying humans. So anything that nourishes humans, I theorize, will conversely destroy the virus. And nothing is more nourishing to Italians than our beloved Extra-Chunky Praegu sauce. I, for one, cannot go a single day without ingesting this zesty—not to mention economical—delicacy.
I’ve got my dropper loaded with sauce. I’ll start by adding just a single drop to my coronavirus specimen. Gentle now…gent—
Huh? What is that? That banging!
I pull out my right earplug (I always wear earplugs when engaged in scientific experimentation [environmental noises break my concentration]).
My god, no! It’s tambourines! They’re at it again with their incessant banging and strumming and plucking and pounding and singing. How am I to concentrate when earplugs can’t even drown out the infernal racket? My neighbors are going to retard scientific progress by a century, those imbeciles. If I can’t concentrate, a cure will never be found. Never! Those tambourines will be the extinction of humanity.
I fall to me knees and cry out, “I hate tambourines! Shut up! Shut up! In the name of science, in the name of all that is good and holy, quit it with the fucking tambourines!”
Then I burst into tears. I cry for humanity. But most of all, I cry for the elderly and at-risk. Those with underlying conditions.
4. Luigi’s Resolution
Ok Luigi. It’s official now: you’ve got coronavirus.
Despondent, I return to my couch and bring the bong to my lips. A good ole rip always settles the nerves. But what if I cough again? I set the bong on the table, un-ripped.
Moments ago Lucressi announced, “I believe it was a false alarm. It wasn't a cough. Someone just banged his tambourine incorrectly. I implore you: handle your tambourines with respect and care. I have a sneaking suspicion it was you, Mamma Ravioli, on the balcony of apartment B22, who banged your tambourine erroneously, in a manner mimicking a cough. You have early onset Parkinson's, do you not Mamma Ravioli? Perhaps, due to your affliction, you should stay inside and refrain from joining us in song. The video of our playing is likely to go viral. And if our tambourines sound like coughs, the authorities will assume the infected live among us. And they will take us away to Infection Rehabilitation Centers. From which we’ll never return. And we don’t want that, do we Mamma Ravioli?
What’s that you say? Playing your tambourine is the only thing that brings you joy in this time of tribulation? It makes you feel at one with your fellow man? I personally don’t think you give a flying fuck about your fellow man. Because if you did, you wouldn’t endanger us by coughing with your tambourine. But you didn’t make a mistake, you say? You swear it wasn’t you? Liar! Selfish liar, trying to cover your tracks! You’re willing to send us all to Rehabilitation Centers just so you can have a little fun on your tambourine? You’re just as bad as the wretches who to take their dogs for walks. You’re on the same level as sheep-herding boys intent on infecting the world. What’s that? You’re sorry? You’ll go back inside and isolate yourself? Good. That’s a good girl, Mamma Ravioli. Be gone with you. Now, my brethren, let us resume playing. How about we do Shaking Hands Should Be a Capital Offense? I really love that tune. 1-2-3…”
And then they started banging away on their instruments again. That’s everything Lucressi said exactly as he said it. I have a very good memory. So for now, it seems, I am safe from suspicion. But poor Mamma Ravioli! How she loves to sing. And what a fine woman too! Before the lockdown, when I saw her around the neighborhood, she always implored me to visit her apartment for some of her world-famous cannoli. I only took her up on the offer once or twice—because I was a free man then, and I had much else to do—but boy were those cannoli delicious. Totally lived up to their reputation. I used to take those cannoli for granted, but now I’d do anything for a single bite. And honestly, it’s not the cannoli I desire. What I really want is to spend some face-to-face time with Mamma Ravioli. What a sweetheart. Reminds me of my great Aunt Helgavicci. To spend time with Mamma Ravioli—with anyone, really—to look into her eyes. To give her a kiss on the cheek. To hug her. To receive a supportive pat on the back. I’d do anything for some human contact! Anything! I haven’t touched another human in six months. Woe to me! Woe to Mamma Ravioli! Woe to Italy!
I bring the bong to my mouth, a reflexive act of consolation. But I quickly realize my error and refrain from lighting up.
I’ve got two weeks until the virus’s symptoms manifest. At that point, I won’t be able to control my coughs. And my neighbors will sniff me out. Should I just hand myself over to the authorities now? Get things over with? The Coronavirus Infection Task Force will take me away to a Rehabilitation Center…and no one comes back from those places. I’m afraid of those rehab centers. But I have a moral obligation to remove myself from this building, save my neighbors from the threat of infection. Yes, I had better hand myself in to the authorities. Admit that I licked the floor and got coronavirus. Take my fate like a man. I’m gonna die of the disease in the near future anyway. A painful, brutal death. Might as well do it in a rehab center, away from my healthy neighbors.
I recline on the couch pitifully and reflect on my existence.
I’ve lived a wonderful life these last 26 years, made innumerable good friends. Well, four friends to be exact. And two won’t speak to me anymore. But still, I’ve got friends. Not to mention a wonderful family. A father who taught me the value of corporal punishment. A mother who, despite smoking crack during her pregnancy, has many admirable qualities. She showed me how to finish a cigarette in two drags and how to make wine from fruit punch Kool-aid mixed with rotten bananas stolen from the dumpster behind the supermarket. That was quite a valuable skill…before the quarantine days. When a man still had enough freedom to steal from a dumpster. Ah, how I miss my mother. I wish I could visit her in the psych ward before I die.
And I can’t overlook my many accomplishments. 4th place in the 3rd grade spelling bee. It was ‘Botticelli’ that tripped me up, as I recall. By that’s not even a word! It’s just a last name. I still say there was a conspiracy against me. The other kids got easy words, like ‘gatta' and ‘mucca.’ It was Sig. Rossi, my language teacher and chair of the spelling bee, who plotted against me. He hated me because I preferred the Shakespearean sonnet structure over the Italian sonnet. But still I came in 4th place! I am a great man. A true success. A winner!
But what is my greatest accomplishment of all? Undoubtedly, my prolificness as a masturbator. Since the age of 12, I’d estimate I’ve beaten off 2.7 times per day. That’s roughly 13,797 ejaculations. And let’s not forget that I’ve slept with 4 different women, 7 including prostitutes. And one of those women, I banged multiple times, as we dated for a full 2 months. So that puts me closers to 13,850 ejaculations. Toss in a few wet dreams here and there, and we’re at 13,875. I wonder if I can make it to 14,000 ejaculations before I die? With hard work and determination, it can be done.
I reach into my pants, begin stroking, try to imagine a fresh, tight vagina…but images of my own demise pervade my thoughts. I see myself in a hospital bed, intubated. A ventilator breathing for me. A respirator wedged up my ass. Surrounded by impersonal doctors in masks. Who know not who I am. Who know nothing of my masturbatory virtuosity. Who have never seen my purple ribbon from the spelling bee. I will die alone. In an antiseptic rehabilitation center. Without saying goodbye to my crack-addicted, suicidal mother. Or my strop-loving father. Or my dear Aunt Helgavicci. Or my four friends, two of whom don’t speak to me but still technically count as friends.
No, I cannot allow myself to suffer that lonely fate! I will not hand myself in to the authorities. I will find a way to overcome this coronavirus. They say it can’t be done, but I will find a way. For I have much life yet to live. Many more goals to accomplish. And many more ejaculations to spurt.
5. Lucressi’s Promise
Excellent playing, my scientifically aware and morally superior brethren. That was the most beautiful rendition of 1 Billion Scientific Models Can’t Possibly Be Wrong I’ve ever heard. And what a lovely message it preaches: we no longer believe in ludicrous superstitions, worshiping some bearded old man in the clouds. The new religion is science. A religion based on 100% accurate facts. We don’t read the bible for edification. Instead, we turn to models. Generated by scientists of the highest prestige. With the most degrees. And the most smartness. With the best data. Which they input into their highly precise models, which are always correct. Did you see the latest model released by La Academia de Italiano Scientifico? It says at least 7.8 billion out of the earth’s 8 billion inhabitants will die by the end of the year. Thankfully, we are quarantining and treating the virus with due respect. So we shall be among the 200 million who live. I pity the remaining 7.8 billion heretics, who dare step outside their apartments without hazmat suits. They do not worship science. They are not wise like us. Brilliant like us. Perfect human specimens, we are. That’s how I’d describe us.”
“Yes Lucressi,” cry my neighbors in unison. “We are perfect human specimens. And you are the most perfect specimen of all!”
“Why thank you. Your compliments warm my heart. But now, the sun dips behind the smoking mountain. The night rests its dark veil upon us, and the virus comes out to play. So our musical communion is finished for this day. Everyone return inside and make preparations for bedtime. Tomorrow, we shall take up our instruments once more. And the day after that. And the day after that. And then for hundreds and thousands of days thereafter. For that is how long the quarantine shall last. Another year at the very least. But most likely decades.”
“Do you really mean it, Lucressi?” wail my neighbors.
“Yes, decades. According to the latest models. Released by La Academia of Italiano Scientifica. This is the new normal.”
“Oh joyous news! We get to spend 10 more years inside, saving our fellow man. We love saving our fellow man! And we love singing on our balconies!”
“As do I. As do I. Good night my beloveds. I will see you tomorrow. On your balconies. When the sun shines again.”
“We love you Lucressi! We love you! Thank you for keeping watch over us. Thank you for saving us from ourselves. And from Mamma Ravioli.”
“You are most welcome.”
Inside, I boil a pot of water, removing the 5-parts coronavirus. Well, that singing session went well. Once again, the rabble supports me as the #1 coronavirus eradicator and the #1 friend of the state. Their fearless protector. That bastard Marco in apartment D78: he won their favor last week by killing a dog-walking dissenter. Killed him right dead with a marble fired from a self-made slingshot. Fairly ingenious, I have to give Marco credit. I must make a slingshot myself, so I know the direct pleasure of killing dissenters. Tomorrow is my supermarket day. I’ll try to find the necessary supplies.
Yes, that prick Marco won much of their favor last week. But I won it back through devotion to my sentinel duties and the destruction of the sheep herder. And my beautiful guitar strumming—it always melts my neighbors’ hearts. And I can’t overlook the value of my innate leadership skills. Yes, thanks to my many gifts and talents, I am once again the undisputed king of this apartment block. Marco was just the flavor of the week. I am the flavor of the decade. And soon I shall have a slingshot of my own. Maybe I can kill Marco with it? Brilliant idea, Lucressi.
I take a sip of piping-hot, freshly boiled tap water. It tastes metallic. It tastes antiseptic. It tastes like the smell of a doctor’s office. And I love it. Life is good.
Except for one minor problem. Actually a major problem: the cough. Without a doubt, I heard a cough during our music session. I blamed it on Mamma Ravioli’s tambourine playing, but I know she was not the culprit. I only blamed her to put the real culprit at ease. Make him feel like the heat’s off. So that he lets his guard down. And perhaps gets careless and coughs again. At which point I will locate and eradicate him.
Among our own ranks, we harbor an untouchable. This person: he knows he must hand himself in to the police. That’s the proper protocol, the government rule. But he won’t do that. He’s not a good citizen. He does not respect the authority of the government or the health of the elderly and at-risk. He’s an evildoer: I could tell by the sound of the cough. It was the cough of the devil. Yes, the devil’s cough.
But he won’t be an issue for long. For I, Lucressi Vicente Palamaro, shall locate the menace and eradicate the threat. Stamp out the problem. Which isn’t really a problem, per se. Because, in destroying him, I shall win more of my neighbors’ respect and love. I will eternally cement my place as the leader of this apartment block. I will lay the foundation for my political career.
Cougher: your ass shall be mine. That I promise you. That I promise.
submitted by JimmyMangrove to u/JimmyMangrove [link] [comments]

Can Coronavirus Pandemic Threaten The States Power In The Coming Future Because Of The Great Depression And Biblical Curses And Plagues And Prophecies

Can Coronavirus Pandemic Threaten The States Power In The Coming Future Because Of The Great Depression And Biblical Curses And Plagues And Prophecies
And as long as this virus is existing it is a threat and will do more damage then good in the coming future. This virus is out of control and is now in every community and state world wide and everyone is at risk being exposed and people do not seem to be taking this virus seriously and do not seem to be doing
to much of a job and help stopping the spread of this virus and is letting the virus defeat them. There is a nasty bug out there on the loose and is a potential threat to us all and our future and children and there is people out there who thinks this virus is no threat to them because of color of skin and because they
have money and a retirement plan and is at their own risk thinking they can beat this virus letting them selves be exposed because of ignorance. There is no time for ignorance and people should be thinking about their future and how this virus can effect them in the long run. And what makes up the economy is
the people and their jobs and the government of the unite states and if something was to happen to them important people who work in our communities how can they provide services and keep their business going and people is working in communities carrying the virus and is risking them selves
and others and do people think children will be ready to go back to school sitting in a class room all day wearing a face mask and people have enough hard time already wearing a face mask and breathing in them and people is being allow in public places wearing no face mask and is not being responsible
protecting them selves and others world wide and if they was concern about people getting well and not risk people being expose to this virus how can children be ready to go back to school and the virus is in their community and people is taking unnecessary risks working in their community carrying a
deadly virus and exposing others and people is being allow in public places dining in restaurants together. This virus is still here in our community with us is because people is letting them selves be expose to it and as long as people continue letting them selves be expose to this virus will keep the virus in their
community and what if that could have been the gas and electric company who was going out of business because of this pandemic and if something was to happen to them important people who work in our communities how can they provide services and keep their business going and if someone cares about you
will not put you in harms way and risk a person being exposed and no matter what the circumstance may be and no person is suppose to be working under those kind of condition regardless of what. The enemy want people to keep this virus in their community until it make them sick and is risking the lives of
people being exposed and as long as people continue letting them selves be expose to this virus is heading in the direction for a down fall and will regret and if they do not take the necessary steps now to protect them selves and their future it will be to late. Anyone can become infected with the disease whether a
person is of color of skin are not are if they have a stronger immune system are what race you are and who you are and where you are from and the kind of car you drive it is a deadly disease that can kill and people think the virus cannot harm them because of ignorance and is letting them selves be exposed to a
deadly bacterial. It is just the same if a person is letting them selves be exposed to lead poisoning are carbon dioxide will kill the person sooner are later from long term exposure. And people do not need any thing else that will make them more variable to this virus to make them sick and do more damage. And man
think they know the answer to just about everything when it comes to the human body and hundreds of people die each year from flu shots alone and how can people coexist risking them selves being expose. People do not take this virus seriously and think the virus cannot harm them and is not a potential threat to their life. This virus can harm and is a potential threat because it is a
deadly bacterial and disease. And a person is at their risk exposing them selves to this disease and because of ignorance this virus is still here in our community with us is because people is making a mistake letting them selves be in the same group with other people exposing them selves and others to this
virus and how can six feet protect a person being in the same room if they are telling people a virus can transmit in the air from coughing are sneezing and can travel eight feet are more. And what person in their right mind would encourage someone to risk them selves being expose to a deadly disease that
can kill and people is exposing them selves to a deadly disease and is sitting on thin ice. The state would have to make it mandatory to increase restrictions to get this virus under control and without it the virus will remain out of control and the future will be lost because once the damage is done is done and there is
nothing left and the economy and people and the government of the unite state will suffer and pay the price. And everyone is responsible and will have to do their part to help fight this war and help stopping the spread and this is not one
person fight alone this is everyone's fight. And if the future be lost and people become ill and die because of this pandemic money is of no use and will not do a person any good and people will run out of supplies too sooner are later. And the worse is not behind people and according to the bible things will get worse when this prophecy comes to pass in the book of Revelation the great
tribulation. And people think they can annoy God and is pretending what he is telling them in the bible is not for real and this is why they are seeing what they are seeing here is because they are annoying what he is telling them in the bible and think because this virus happen they think it has nothing to do with them
and what God is telling them and it will not do the church any good lying to people and the more people annoy God and what he is telling them the worse things will get. And what happen here centuries ago in the bible when our ancestors was here doesn't just stops there and there is another side to the
story.And people want to believe lies for the truth and is living their life base on a lie. It was not people choice when they came here into this world and think they can do what ever they want and it will not do a person any good thinking they are being smart annoying God and what he is telling them because they
will not win and it is people lies and foolishness is what is causing the problems here and believing lies for the truth and without the truth a person will burn in hell. And do people really think God will just let them sit here not obeying his laws and thinking life will continue and if people was just listening to God and
hearing him out and what he is telling them they would know it is these two faced lying devils and the people who is ruling over them here in this time is doing this to them here and is causing them problems and things to go wrong and they are the devils off spring and descendants of the people who was ruling
over your ancestors in the bible and sold them into slavery here centuries ago in that time and this was the same thing they did to people in the bible was causing them problems and things to go wrong and they are nothing but devils hiding in a body because nothing human will lie to a person face to cause them
their soul and there is more to this gospel the church is not telling people and if people was listening to God he is telling them what people is doing here in this time and God was not just talking about our ancestors in the bible and what they did here in their time he is talking to us and about us and what we did here
in our time and about our future descendants. And people is involving them selves here with dangerous spirits not realizing they are evil spirits from ancient times here in our time because people is separated from God and they are taking advantage of people here in this time because people chosen to be
ignorant of God and is separated from him. And people have seen them here appearing to them in orbs and they are using people here in this time to make people think they are ghosts from the dead and is making them selves look like they are the person decease family member back from the dead and they are
using people here in this time to make people think they are ancient aliens and UFOs. And they are like the trash collector and as long as people refuse and choose to be ignorant of God they will continue taking advantage of people and causing them problems and things to go wrong until they perish. And they will
drive a person to the breaking point until they perish. And how can people think they were born again in Christ if the church is not telling them the truth and without the truth a person will perish and people think because they are here in this world they do not have to obey God and think it was their choice
when they came here into this world. And according to the book of Revelation when this prophecy comes to pass the great tribulation more peace will be taken from this earth and the world will never be the same until when God cleans this corruption up because we have to much evil here and we have evil spirits here
from other rims in our world with us. And people is seeing what they are seeing here is because they do not know what God is telling them and they are breaking his commandments and they are leading people in the church without God's instruction and is second guessing them selves thinking they are born
again Christians and needs to be told they will perish because of their foolishness and they think it is a joke to them what God is telling them and what is coming here to pass and people have spirits in them here because they are separated from God and will perish if they do not repent and they think it is a
joke to them where their soul is going in the after life and people cannot think what God is telling them is not for real and second guess them self and think it cannot happen because what the person is making them selves think because it was not the person choice when they came here into this world and because
people is corrupting them selves they might as well prepare for the worse and God's punishment and it will not do the churches here in this time any good lying to people and think they can buy their way into heaven but they want nothing to do with the truth and they are not in the church because they want to
serve God they are in there because they think they can tempt him and make him think they are serving him and because they do not believe him they are already condemn and people will be punish because of it and the church cannot think they will not be punish because of their disobedience and foolishness and
this is why people is seeing violence and crimes and hate in their world and people is suffering and is being cursed with plagues is because they are not being told the truth and is separated from God and people in the bible was cursed with plagues because of their disobedience and this is the same thing
people is seeing here in this time and the church cannot make people think they cannot get into trouble because it was not the person choice when they came here into this world and can do what ever they want and do not have to obey God. And because people was not told the truth they cannot discern the spirit
and think they can trust this enemy and he is a threat and is their enemy and it is written in the bible to tell people about this enemy.And it is just like taking candy from a baby and what you don't know can hurt you. And this enemy want people to expose the disease to each other and their community and if you put a
person in the same room with another person carrying the disease will exposed the other person to it and this is why people is still spreading the disease is because they are letting them selves be in the same group with other people carrying the disease exposing them selves and others and that can be any where
whether it is your grocery store are pharmacy are post office are bank are school are home are poultry plant. The germs are every where and people is being expose to it.
Best type of homemade cloth masks people can use to prevent the spread of Covid-19- According to scientist's findings, a stitched quilted cotton mask proved most effective as droplets only traveled 2.5 inches through the material, tightly woven cotton for face masks to be made of such as quilting fabric or
cotton sheets. However, a T-Shirt made of cotton can also be used to make protective face covering. Polyester and other synthetic fabric blends are harder to breathe through,which can cause the inside of the masks to heat up quickly, which will be uncomfortable when out in the hot sun.
N95 masks- can filter out 95% of airborne particles
One layer of cotton, which blocks about 40% of droplets
A second layer of T-Shirt cotton, droplet blocking is much higher at 98%
Tips for wearing a mask and trying to stay cool- without a mask, droplets traveled more than 8 feet from coughing are sneezing.
  1. Wearing a bandana,droplets can traveled 3 feet and 7 inches through the mask
  2. A handkerchief, droplets can traveled 1 feet, 3 inches
Extended Post
This virus is now out of control and has taken the whole world by the storm and has cause millions their jobs and future and because of ignorance millions of more people will die and people is dying from this virus because of other people ignorance. This virus is what concerns me no one have ever seen before in
history and this virus is not just any virus are disease it is a deadly bacteria and can destroy the lung cells causing severe respiration complication and death And this is not the kind of virus meant for the human body keep being exposed too. People is exposing them selves to a deadly disease and is killing others
because the human body was not made to keep being exposed to long term deadly bacteria and chemicals and germs and toxins and stress and second hand smoke and pollution and long term radiation exposure and sooner are later the person will die, unless only if the person change how they live and
think and eat can make a big difference with their health. And think about the people they expose and were they any better are less then the person and deserve to die because of someone else's ignorance. People is exposing themselves to this virus and their body is protecting them for right now from
this virus because of antibodies and a person will die sooner are later from long term exposure because there is just far to many people carrying this virus and is out of control because people was already infected with this virus when they open up the public and people who is keep allowing them selves to be re
exposed to this virus can die from it and do not know how long their body can keep protecting them from this virus. A person who is allowing them selves to be re exposed to this virus will most likely will face serious consequences sooner are later. And this virus should have been clearing up by now but it is
not the numbers are going up. And people who was exposed to this virus and is still walking around is because their antibodies is protecting them for now and if their body can no longer protect it self from this virus will result in serious consequences. And people is being re exposed to this virus is because it is out of
control and if they do not get this virus under control now it will be to late and the economic will get hit hard and will crash then never before and people future will be lost. This virus cannot go any where on its own it is people who can stop the spread by protecting them selves and using common practice. And
people who smokes and drink alcohol and have liver are kidney and heart disease is at high risk and a person sixty and older is at much higher risk. And the only way a individual family are a single person can protect them selves from being exposed are re exposed they would need to follow a strict protocol
and guidelines. People is exposing them selves and others is because they are not following protocols and guidelines and using common practice and is at risk becoming infected. This virus has taken the whole world by the storm and has claim the lives of thousands of people world wide and were they any better are
less then the person and deserve to die because of someone else's ignorance. This is a deadly virus that can kill if people do not protect them selves now from being expose are re exposed can lead to serious consequences even death. And there is people out there walking around thinking this virus cannot hurt them
and they cannot die from it and is taking a big chance with their life and is a life and death situation.
Extended Post
Please Wear A Mask Before This Virus Destroys Us All Because There Are People Who Is Being Exposed To This Virus At Difference Times Because There Are People Who Is Risking Them Selves And Others Being Exposed To This Virus More Than Once And Is Getting Out Of Control Just Like A Switch Cannot Be Cut Off And This
Virus Cannot Go Anywhere On Its Own It Is People Who Can Make It Stop. A Person Who Is Not Wearing A Mask And Using Common Practice And Is Exposing Them Selves And Others To This Virus Are Responsible For Keeping This Virus Here Longer And The Longer This Virus Remains Here Will Cause
The Government Billions Of Dollars In Spending And Risking The Lives Of People And Their Future And The Economic Will Crash And Be Destroy Because They Are The Carriers Exposing Others. A Person May Think Because They Have Antibodies The Virus Cannot Effect Them Like It Can Do Others
And Should Be Mindful And Consider Of Others And How This Virus Can Effect Another Person And Their Lives. And By Them Opening Up The Public Will Expose More People To This Virus Because There Are Still Carriers Out There.
Extended Post
This Virus Is Not Going Any Where Any Time Soon Because There Are People Who Is Still Spreading The Virus And Is Putting Them Selves At Risk And Do Not Care Other People Being Exposed And
Reopening Up The Public To Soon Can Lead To Another Devastating Out Break And Why Would They Open Up The Public To Soon And Know The Danger Is Still Out There And This Is Why Business Owners Had To Close In The First Place Because People Was Spreading The Virus And Exposing
Others And Reopening Up The Public To Soon With Out A Careful Plan To Protect Them Selves And Others Can Lead To Another Devastating Out Break And The Economic And People Future Will Be At Risk And Just From This First Virus Out Break Across The Globe The Economic Was Hit
Hard And Billions And Billions Of People Lost Their Jobs And Had To Close Their Business Because Of This Virus And Had To Filed For Unemployment. And When People Do Return Back To Work They Would Need A Strict Plan And Guidelines To Follow To Protect Them Selves And
Others To Keep This Virus From Re Spreading Again Because This Virus Cannot Just Go Any Where On Its Own Because It Is People Who Is Spreading This Virus And Is The One Who Can Stop The Spread And A Person Cannot Just Return Back To Work Just Like That And Think
Everything Is Back To Normal Again And Think They Can Go Out In The Public Not Wearing A Face Mask And Using Common Practice And Reopening Up The Public To Soon Will Risk More People Being Expose To This Virus Like Never Before And Why Do Business Owners Think They
Had To Shut Down In The First Place Was Because People Was Spreading The Virus And Exposing Others And Reopening Up The Public To Soon With Out A Plan How People Can Protect Them Selves And Others To Keep This Virus From Re Spreading. The Reason Why This Virus Is Still
Spreading Is Because People Is Not Using Common Practice To Protect Them Selves And Others From Being Expose And Where Is Plan A And Plan B For Back Up And A Cure If This Happens Again And The Only Way To Prevent This Virus From Re Spreading Again Strict Guidelines Would
Need To Be Enforce To Protect The Lives Of Millions And Their Future At Risk. This Message Is To Encourage And Remember Using Common Practice Can Help Stop The Spread Of Coronavirus By Washing Your Hands Often And Using A Hand Sanitizer And Throw Away Tissue After
One Use When Blowing Your Nose And Sneezing Are Coughing And Never Touch Your Eyes And Nose And Mouth Because This Is How Germs Can Spread And Wash Hands About 20 Are Thirty Seconds To Avoid Germs From Spreading And Always Clean Surfaces And Objects Using
Disinfecting Cleaners And Keys And Cell Phones And Your Purse Are Wallets And Items From The Store You Buy And Rinse Your Fruits And Vegetables In Water And Fruits And Vegetables With Skin On Them Just Use Regular Soap And Warm Water When Ever Possible To Wash Your
Fruits Like Oranges And Apples And Do Not Use Disinfect Cleansers On Food And Disinfect Kitchen Counter Tops And Disinfect Your Car And House Door Handles And Steel Wheels And When Touching A Gas Pump Use A Hand Sanitizer For Hands And Wipes To Clean Steel Wheels Off
And Change Your Clothes And Avoid Sitting On Your Bed After You Get Home From Sitting In Public Places And Avoid Contact When Someone Is Sick With A Cold Are Flu Are Virus And Wear A Face Mask When Ever Possible To Prevent Germs From Spreading. And Eat Healthy Foods For A
Stronger And Healthy Immune System Because Free Radicals Can Leave Toxins In Your Body And Can Weaken Your Immune System. And Each Person Can Make A Difference In Someone Else Life By Help Saving Others And It Starts With The Person And Their Responsibility What They
Are Doing To Protect Them Selves From Being Effected In The First Place And Each Person Living On This Earth Has A Responsibility And Can Help Stop The Spread Of Coronavirus '' Whether They May Be A Stranger Are A Friend Are Love One Can Make A Difference And Help Fight This
War In Saving Lives And Stopping The Spread Of Coronavirus. I Strongly Disagree Reopening Of The Public To Soon Would Put The Lives Of People And Their Future At Risk Getting Effected By Coronavirus.'' Reopening Of The Public To Soon Can Risk The Re Spreading Of
Coronavirus Again From A Person Who May Have Been Effected By This Virus The Whole Thing Can Happen Again Even Worse And They Have Already Seen What This Virus Can Do And They Are Risking The Lives Of People Getting Effected By This Virus And A Person May Not Know They
Are Carrying The Virus And Can Pass It On To Others Not Showing Any Signs Of The Virus Until The Person Becomes ill Because People Have Difference Anti-Bodies And Immune System And May Not Show Any Signs From The Virus And Can Pass The Virus On To Others. They Are
Suppose To Be Looking Out For The Interest Of People To Protect Lives Not Destroying It And Putting Their Future At Risk And Why Would Someone Risk The Lives Of People And Their Future If There Is No Cure Just Different Claimers Out There. Coronavirus Is Still Out There And
Has Not Gone Away Completely As Of Yet And I Live In The State Of Virginia And We Just Had A Out Break From This Virus Here Sometime In March Of 2020. And It Is To Soon And People Need Some More Time To Make Sure This Virus Is Far At Bay And There Are People Who Was
Effected By This Virus Is Still Recovering From It. And If A Person Disagree With It They Are Putting Their Life And The Lives Of Others And Their Future On The Line And What Good Is Having A Job And Their Future If They Become Effected And Die.
This Virus Is Not Going Any Where Any Time Soon Because There Are People Who Is Still Spreading The Virus And Is Putting Them Selves At Risk And Do Not Care Other People Being Exposed And The Weather Is Ready To Get More Warmer Now And It Will Not Be As Easy Wearing
A Face Mask And To Stay Cool In The Summer Time Wearing A Face Mask Drink Plenty Of Cool Liquids And Eat Light Small Meals Through Out The Day And Hydrating Fruits And Vegetables And Salads And Avoid Long Exposure To High Heat Temperatures When Out Doors
To Avoid Dehydration. You May Need To Change And Clean Your Face Mask When Wearing A Home Made Mask And Never Touch The Inside Of Your Face Mask When Being Out In Public Places To Avoid Being Expose To Germs And When Your Mask Is Starting To Wear And
Tear Wear A New Face Mask And Throw Away Your Old Face Mask In A Trash Can. And Their Are A lot Of Great On Line Tips On How To Make Face Masks And Remember Using Common Practice Can Make A Difference And Help Win This War To Stop The Spread Of Coronavirus.
What Superfoods Keep Your Heart Beating? Read on to unclog your arteries and ward off heart attacks!
It Is Just Like A Person Is Asking For A Death Wish And Is Playing With Fire And Will Get Burn Thinking They Can Play Games With God And Think They Can Take Advantage Of It And Play Dumb Pretending They Do Not Know What God Is Telling Them In The Bible And They Are Traitors And Enemies Just
Like Judas Everyone Of Them And They Lie To Them Selves And To God And Will Perish In Their Own Corruption If They Do Not Repent.
A Curse Is Upon Them Because Of The Sins Of Their Forefathers And Because Of Their Sins And Trespass Against God And Have Broken His Covenant He Gave Them Into The Hand Of The Heathen; And They That Hated Them Ruled Over Them And Sold Their Ancestors Into Slavery And Ripped Up Their Women With Child.
Descendants Of The Devil And The Remnant Who Made A Covenant With Him Is At War With The Descendants Of Israel God's Chosen People And The Remnant Which Keep The Commandments Of God , And The Testimony Of Jesus Christ''
God Put Enmity Between The Devil Seed And The Woman Seed Because Of Adam And Eve Disobedience And This Has Been A On Going Battle Since The Beginning Of Time.'' Genesis 3:14-16
And They Use The Name Israel For Them Selves To Make People Think They Was God's Chosen Nation. The Name Israel Was Given To God's Chosen People When God Made A Covenant With Jacob.
War Is Happening Here Right Now And People Is Not Aware Of It Because They Do Not Know What God Is Telling Them And
People In This Time Do Not Know They Are Descendants Of Israel Lost Tribe God's Chosen People And Their Ancestors History Is Written In The Bible And The Enemy Want People To Think Israel Is Just One Nation Of The Same People And Israel Was Just God's Chosen Nation And No One
Else, Is The Biggest Lie Ever Told In History And According To The Bible The Name Israel Was Given To God's Chosen People When He Made A Covenant With Jacob. Genesis 35:9-29 God Made A covenant with Jacob, Isaac son and Jacob was given a new name and was call Israel and many nations and kings was born after his seed.
Government Cover-Ups And UFO Sightings.'' Government Shut Down And Food Supplies And The Economic Collapse And Banks And Business Foreclosure And Banks And Business Foreclosure And Bankruptcy And Things We Depend On For Our Resources, Water Supplies And Gas And Electric And Food And Clothing And Shelter Expenses Will Not Be The Same Here In The Future And What They Are Not Telling You.
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can you transmit covid without coughing or sneezing video

How does the coronavirus spread? - YouTube Answering 20 Questions about COVID-19 - YouTube Coronavirus: New Facts about Infection Mechanisms - NHK ... How To See Germs Spread Experiment (Coronavirus) - YouTube How Coronavirus can spread without direct contact with an ... COVID-19: See How Coronavirus Infection Spread When You ... How To Tell If It's Coronavirus, The Flu, A Cold, Or ... How does COVID-19 spread? - YouTube

COVID-19 is thought to spread mainly through close contact from person to person, including between people who are physically near each other (within about 6 feet). People who are infected but do not show symptoms can also spread the virus to others. Cases of reinfection with COVID-19 have been reported but are rare. Yes, You Can Get COVID-19 from Someone Without Symptoms People can transmit the virus that causes COVID-19 even if they don’t have symptoms. Yes, you can have coronavirus without a cough. Experts have explained that while the virus is mainly spread by people who are showing symptoms, some people are infected but not showing symptoms.... We can’t do this without you! Support news and media that matters and that can help change our world! The main causes for which new infections of SARS-CoV-2 or Covid-19 are because the health security recommendations are not put into practice and on the other hand because of non-compliance with disinfection regulations. A person can begin to spread the virus to others before symptoms appear The coronavirus can easily be passed from one person to another when they’re merely talking to each other — they don’t have to be sneezing or coughing, or showing any signs of being sick. For months, health experts have urged the CDC to acknowledge the mounting evidence that suggests COVID could be transmitted through aerosols, meaning tiny particles in the air. Until this most... You can be around others after:10 days since symptoms first appeared and 24 hours with no fever without the use of fever-reducing medications. All of this suggests that a person doesn’t necessarily have to cough or sneeze to transmit a respiratory virus like the COVID-19 coronavirus to others through the air. Talking may be enough to spew... “You can catch COVID-19 no matter how sunny or hot the weather is,” says Dr. Saunders. Stay Healthy with These Tips: Wash your hands frequently; Maintain social distancing; Avoid touching eyes, nose and mouth; Cover cough or sneeze with a tissue; If you have fever, cough and difficulty breathing, seek medical care early COVID-19 is caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus, which spreads between people, mainly when an infected person is in close contact with another person. The virus can spread from an infected person’s mouth or nose in small liquid particles when they cough, sneeze, speak, sing or breathe heavily. These liquid particles are different sizes, ranging from larger ‘respiratory droplets’ to smaller ‘aerosols’.

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How does the coronavirus spread? - YouTube

A Japanese doctor used a sophisticated camera to capture droplets emitted by sneeze and cough. The video clearly depicts a large volume of droplets emitted w... As of March 2020, the international outbreak of COVID-19 poses a serious public health threat. The federal government is working closely with state, local, t... Here's How Coronavirus can spread without direct contact with an infected person.Watch!Subscribe To ET Now For Latest Updates On Stocks, Business, Trading ... For someone to contract the coronavirus, an infected person’s cough or sneeze droplets need to enter their respiratory tract. This is how far virus droplets ... Learn more on the full documentary on NHK WORLD-JAPAN. more quali... CDC’s Dr. Nancy Messonnier recommends everyday preventive actions to help prevent the spread of respiratory viruses, including novel coronavirus (COVID-19).C... Those of us who suffer from seasonal allergies and hay fever don't really look forward to spring anyway, but thanks to the onset of the COVID-19 coronavirus,... Click here the most up-to-date info on Coronavirus COVID-19- to Skillshare for their support. Take this opportunity to ...

can you transmit covid without coughing or sneezing

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