Malta - Corporate - Other taxes - Worldwide Tax Summaries ...

malta corporate tax rate 2020

malta corporate tax rate 2020 - win

Nine Countries That Don’t Tax Bitcoin Gains- time to move

Tax liability is a major source of concern for anyone invested in Bitcoin and other digital assets. In sum, some have described it as nothing short of a nightmare.
But while some countries are putting pressure on investors and levying taxes on income and capital gains from Bitcoin transactions, many are taking a different approach—often with the aim of promoting better adoption and innovation within the crypto industry. They’ve implemented friendlier legislation, and allow investors to buy, sell, or hold digital assets with no tax liability.
Here’s our list of the nine most crypto-friendly tax jurisdictions.
  1. Belarus 🇧🇾
Belarus is taking an experimental approach to cryptocurrencies. In March 2018, a new law legalized cryptocurrency activities in the East European state, exempting individuals and businesses involved in them from taxes until 2023 (when it will come up for review.)
Under the law, mining and investing in cryptocurrencies are deemed personal investments, and so exempt from income tax and capital gains.
The liberal laws aim to boost the development of a digital economy, and technological innovation. The country was recently ranked third in Eastern Europe and 19th globally in levels of P2P crypto trading.
  1. Germany 🇩🇪
Germany offers a unique take on taxing digital currencies such as Bitcoin. Unlike most other states, Europe’s biggest economy regards Bitcoin as private money, as opposed to a currency, commodity, or stock.
For German residents, any cryptocurrency held for over a year is tax-exempt, regardless of the amount. If the assets are held for less than a year, capital gains tax doesn’t accrue on a sale, as long as the amount does not exceed 600 euros ($692).
However, for businesses it’s a different matter; a startup incorporated in Germany still needs to pay corporate income taxes on cryptocurrency gains, just as it would with any other asset.
  1. Hong Kong 🇭🇰
Hong Kong’s tax legislation on cryptocurrencies is a broad brush affair, even after new guidance was issued earlier this year.
Essentially, whether cryptocurrencies are taxed or not depends on their use, according to Henri Arslanian, a global crypto leader at PwC.
“If digital assets are bought for long-term investment purposes, any profits from disposal would not be chargeable to profits tax,” he wrote in March when the directive was introduced. But he added that this doesn’t apply to corporations—their Hong-Kong sourced profits from cryptocurrency business activities are taxable.
  1. Malaysia 🇲🇾
In Malaysia, cryptocurrency transactions are currently tax-free, and cryptocurrencies don’t qualify for capital gains tax, because digital currencies are not considered assets or legal tender by the authorities.
But the law is currently fluid; it only applies to individual taxpayers, and businesses involved in cryptocurrency are subject to Malaysian income tax.
And things may soon change. Mohamad Fauzi Saat, director of Malaysia’s tax department said in 2018 that Malaysia was committed to working towards issuing comprehensive guidelines on the tax treatment of cryptocurrency by the end of 2020.
  1. Malta 🇲🇹
The government of the so-called “Blockchain Island” recognizes Bitcoin “as a unit of account, medium of exchange, or a store of value.”
Malta doesn’t apply capital gains tax to long-held digital currencies like Bitcoin, but crypto trades are considered similar to day trading in stocks or shares, and attract business income tax at the rate of 35%. However, this can be mitigated to between five percent and zero, through “structuring options” available under the Maltese system.
Malta’s fiscal guidelines, published in 2018, also discriminate between Bitcoin and so-called “financial tokens,” equivalent to dividends, interest or premiums. The latter are treated as income and taxed at the applicable rate.
  1. Portugal 🇵🇹
Portugal has one of the most crypto-friendly tax regimes in the world.
Proceeds from the sale of cryptocurrencies by individuals have been tax-exempt since 2018, and cryptocurrency trading is not considered investment income (which is normally subject to a 28% tax rate.)
However, businesses that accept digital currencies as payment for goods and services are liable to income tax.
  1. Singapore 🇸🇬
Capital gains tax does not exist in Singapore, so neither individuals nor corporations holding cryptocurrency are liable.
But companies based in Singapore are liable to income tax, if their core business is cryptocurrency trading, or if they accept cryptocurrency as payment.
The authorities consider payment tokens such as Bitcoin to be “intangible property” rather than legal tender, and payment in the cryptocurrency constitutes a “barter trade” where the goods and services are taxed, but not the payment token itself.
  1. Slovenia 🇸🇮
Slovenia is another country that treats individuals and businesses separately under its cryptocurrency tax system.
No capital gains tax is levied on individuals when they sell Bitcoin, and gains are not considered income. However, companies that receive payment in cryptocurrencies, or through mining, are required to pay tax at the corporate rate.
Notably, the Mediterranean country doesn’t permit business operations in cryptocurrency alone (such as only accepting Bitcoin as payment.)
  1. Switzerland 🇨🇭
It’s no surprise that Switzerland, home to the innovation hub known as “Crypto Valley”, has one of the most forward-thinking tax policies too.
Cryptocurrency profits made by a qualified individual through investing and trading are treated as tax-exempt capital gains.
For the complete link to the written article - click here
Edit: hey thanks for the award, that was so awesome. Have a nice day everyone.
submitted by girlshero to CryptoCurrency [link] [comments]

Flatten the Curve. Part 35. Pitchforks and Millionaires. Basic Guaranteed Income. Farm Automation Soon. Curious Stock Purchase by Bill Gates. The Rich Want to Pay More Taxes? Panama Papers. It's Getting Worse. Be Ready.

Previous post is here.
Grab the Pitchforks.
July/August 2014. The Pitchforks Are Coming… For Us Plutocrats
I still remember reading this article back when, and I thought, exactly right. You can’t pull a reverse Robin Hood and grab from the poor to give to the rich. Eventually the guillotine comes out and heads roll. The cycle has happened before and it will happen again. Unless they somehow have a long range plan to stay rich and keep us poor. The controllers and the controlled. The best of us and the rest of us. The ones who call the war and the ones who fight in the war.
Now I'm not so sure about the essay, let me show you why.
Andrew Yang.
Do you remember when we started talking about Basic Guaranteed Income as a reality? It was roughly in 2016 when the conversations began to get serious. Countries ran experiments. Ostensibly this was presented as a solution to the coming wave of automation that will start performing the manual and mental labor that historically was provided by humans, leaving a whole lot of people to be fed. A whole lot of people whose labor won't be needed. But if this pandemic doesn't get too bad, at least we can look forward to getting a monthly cheque for just being alive, right?
September 18th 2019.
His candidacy is built on the theory that the millions of jobs lost to automation (think kiosks in drugstores and airports) led to the sense of frustration and instability among Americans that was linked to President Donald Trump’s election. He paints a gloomy picture of what automation will do to the future job market and offers a solution: a freedom dividend for every American over the age of 18. The idea of a dividend, Yang argues, is one Thomas Paine and Martin Luther King Jr. and hundreds of economists have supported. Alaska gives its citizens $1,000 to $2,000 a year. He says he’d pay for his policy with a tax on tech companies like Amazon. When he discussed the need to replace GDP as the measurement of economic success, he said U.S. life expectancy had dropped three years in a row for the first time ... "since when?” “1918!” many shouted (correctly). “That’s right, 1918, the year that the Spanish flu, a global pandemic, killed millions,” he said.
Wait. What. That's strange. Guaranteed Basic Income and the 1918 pandemic, all in one breath. You may have also taken note of his declining birth rate comment, almost like the planet is starting to have toxic effects on us. That's just a coincidence though. It has to be. This free money can't be real, can it? The pandemic stimulus money is only temporary, isn't it?
Might as well follow the white rabbit once again, see how far the rabbit hole goes.
What's the Beef on the Farm?
May 29, 2020. Every single worker at this U.S. farm has tested positive for coronavirus The outbreaks underscore the latest pandemic threat to food supply: Farm workers are getting sick and spreading the illness just as the U.S. heads into the peak of the summer produce season.
June 29, 2020. Advocates demand Ontario shut down farms as COVID-19 cases soar among workers.
May 7th, 2020. Why Meatpacking Plants Have Become Covid-19 Hot Spots.
How many outbreaks have shut down factories other than farms and meat plants? I'm not talking about a couple of cases, I mean shut down. I can't recall one. I've read of preemptive shutdowns because of a few cases, or due to supply chain hardships, but all or the entirety seem to be food companies or farms. That's a strange pattern, isn’t it? Could it have something to do with Sulfur Fertilizers and hydrogen sulfide from organic compounds mixing with the environments sudden increase from microbes? Nah.
But where are we going to get our food from to feed all of us Basic Income dependents? We have to eat, but we can't eat if we can't work the farms and meat plants, can we? That's quite the conundrum, isn’t it?
Robot Tractors and Bill Gates.
December 12, 2018. How self-driving tractors, AI, and precision agriculture will save us from the impending food crisis. Go inside the race to feed the 9 billion people who will inhabit planet earth in 2050. See how John Deere and others are working to change the equation before it's too late.
September 11, 2019. Bill Gates, the largest holder of Deere stock, recently bought even more after holding steady for a couple of years. Gates bought 87,000 more shares of Deere (ticker: DE) in late August. The purchase brought his holdings to 31,510,573 shares, a stake of just above 10%. Passing that threshold triggered the need for a regulatory disclosure. Gates, the co-founder of Microsoft (MSFT), filed a form with the Securities and Exchange Commission on Friday detailing his increased investment in the maker of tractors, trucks, and other heavy equipment.
That Bill Gates is a genius! I swear it's like he can see the future! It's too bad that he couldn't make an anti-virus program to save his life. Oh well, even if he couldn't make our computers safe from viruses, I'm sure he'll do better with us humans.
May 16, 2020. From Pope Francis to the Bond King, universal basic income is gaining support around the world.
JULY 10, 2020. Daily briefing: Spain begins an epic economics experiment in universal basic income.
July 13, 2020. Super-rich call for higher taxes on wealthy to pay for Covid-19 recovery.
July 13, 2020. 'Please Tax Us': Dozens Of Millionaires Urge Governments To Tax The Rich To Pay.
I never thought that I would see the day that the rich are pleading to be taxed. It's almost like they learned a thing or two and decided to not tell us to eat cake. Maybe they learned better and found some compassion?

Millionares Against Pitchforks.

January 23, 2020.
A group of wealthy celebrities and business people have signed an open letter calling on fellow billionaires and millionaires around the globe to support tax increases in an effort to alleviate growing economic disparity. Released on Thursday to coincide with the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, the letter states: “There are two kinds of wealthy people in the world: those who prefer taxes and those who prefer pitchforks. We, the undersigned, prefer taxes. And we believe that, upon reflection, you will as well.” The 121 ultra high-net-worth signatories, who call themselves “Millionaires Against Pitchforks,” include Disney heiress Abigail Disney, British actor and screenwriter Simon Pegg, writer-director Richard Curtis (“Love Actually”) and Sudanese-British telco tycoon Mo Ibrahim. Stressing that an estimated $8 trillion – nearly 10% of the world’s GDP – is hidden in tax havens, the letter urges the world’s wealthy “to step forward now — before it’s too late — to demand higher and fairer taxes on millionaires and billionaires within your own countries and to help prevent individual and corporate tax avoidance and evasion through international tax reform efforts.”
Almost six years later they act. SIX YEARS! And just as the COVID-19 pandemic has its first American case on January 20th. That was some fortuitous timing, wasn't it. It's just a coincidence that they found their compassion just as the writing was going up on the wall and the SHTF.
At least they're trying, right? Or they're playing a really long game, and holding back cards before they have to play them.
Me? I don’t believe the act for one second. If they really meant it, why didn't they speak out when the Panama Papers came out?
Or when this happened?
Malta car bomb kills Panama Papers journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia, a blogger whose investigations focused on corruption, was described as a ‘one-woman WikiLeaks’.
It's all smoke and mirrors. Basic Guaranteed Income has been slowly manipulated into awareness. The Pandemic has been as well. It's a perfect storm front to increase automation, which will increase productivity for the upcoming war, and free up the workforce to fight.
And I'm positive that the Panama Papers didn't go anywhere because it got slapped with a National Security classification, but that will have to wait for another post.
Keep your head up and eyes open.
Take care. Be safe. Stay aware and be prepared. Talk soon.
submitted by biggreekgeek to conspiracy [link] [comments]

[Effortpost] Thorough Rebuttal of The Political Compass and Why It Shouldn't Be Taken Seriously

High effort post for a LOW effort horseshit meme spread by morons who either know better or should know better. You know who you are, and from the bottom of my heart, fuck you.
Political Compass bullshit examples of politicians' leanings.
Pete's On The Issues page
I'm just using Pete because he's obviously loved by liberals and hated by leftists, so TPC's bullshit lying about his position on their dumbass chart is both easy to disprove and everybody should "get" what I'm talking about. None of the candidates are properly represented, because TPC is a sad excuse for an impartial website.
I'll go through the quiz and answer these as best as I can based on Pete's issues page. This is obviously somewhat subjective, but not that much. You're welcome to correct me on any of these. Below is my format and methodology:
[Question] [My take of Pete's stance on the question] [source to back said take]
When I can't find a decent source, I default to what I view as a standard democratic answer and make it clear this is my own subjective take on his stance. As this is subjective to an extent when in doubt between Agree/Strongly Agree and Disagree/Strongly Disagree I generally opt for the less strong opinion. Because I'm not a fucking hack like the TPC assholes.
Seriously, feel free to correct me on any of these. Maybe he's changed his tune, maybe I'm just dumb. I'm doing this quiz as I write this, so I don't know what we'll get. But I sure as fuck know it won't be what the assholes at The Political Compass think it is.


1) If economic globalisation is inevitable, it should primarily serve humanity rather than the interests of trans-national corporations. [Agree] source
2) I’d always support my country, whether it was right or wrong. [Disagree] source
3) No one chooses his or her country of birth, so it’s foolish to be proud of it. [Disagree] source (same as prior question)
4) Our race has many superior qualities, compared with other races. [Strongly Disagree] source (every dem candidate strongly disagrees with this though, obviously)
5) The enemy of my enemy is my friend. [Strongly Agree] source
6) Military action that defies international law is sometimes justified. [Disagree] source (same as prior question)
7) There is now a worrying fusion of information and entertainment. [Agree] source Fun fact from this source - Pete was the 287th person to create a Facebook account as he was at Harvard when the website was being rolled out.


1) People are ultimately divided more by class than by nationality. [Agree] source
2) Controlling inflation is more important than controlling unemployment. [No idea. I guessed he would agree, further suggestions are welcome.]
3) Because corporations cannot be trusted to voluntarily protect the environment, they require regulation. [Strongly Agree] source Bonus: big carbon rebate energy here
4) “from each according to his ability, to each according to his need” is a fundamentally good idea. [Agree] source This one I'm assuming his endorsement of progressive taxes and harsh criticism of SSE is somewhat an endorsement of this statement.
5) It’s a sad reflection on our society that something as basic as drinking water is now a bottled, branded consumer product. [No idea. I guessed he would disagree, further suggestions are welcome.]
6) Land shouldn’t be a commodity to be bought and sold. [Strongly Disagree] source
7) It is regrettable that many personal fortunes are made by people who simply manipulate money and contribute nothing to their society. [Disagree] source
8) Protectionism is sometimes necessary in trade. [Disagree] source I recall him being more lefty on this a while back, but his position now seems to be the right one, in that tariffs are stupid.
9) The only social responsibility of a company should be to deliver a profit to its shareholders. [Disagree] source Again, could have an additional source here, but I think overall he would disagree regardless.
10) The rich are too highly taxed. [Strongly Disagree] source Again, this is pretty standard dem policy at this point.
11) Those with the ability to pay should have access to higher standards of medical care. [Disagree] source This is between Strongly Disagree and Disagree; all standard dem policy at this point.
12) Governments should penalise businesses that mislead the public. [No idea. I guessed he would agree, further suggestions are welcome.]
13) A genuine free market requires restrictions on the ability of predator multinationals to create monopolies. [Agree] source
14) The freer the market, the freer the people. [Disagree] source Same as prior question.

Social Values

1) Abortion, when the woman’s life is not threatened, should always be illegal. [Strongly Disagree] source An article from The Federalist, but hey, it works.
2) All authority should be questioned. [Agree] source
3) An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. [Strongly Disagree] source
4) Taxpayers should not be expected to prop up any theatres or museums that cannot survive on a commercial basis. [Disagree] [No idea. I guessed he would disagree, further suggestions are welcome.]
5) Schools should not make classroom attendance compulsory. [Agree] [No idea. I guessed he would agree, further suggestions are welcome.]
6) All people have their rights, but it is better for all of us that different sorts of people should keep to their own kind. [Strongly Disagree] source
7) Good parents sometimes have to spank their children. Disagree Same as question 2.
8) It’s natural for children to keep some secrets from their parents. Agree Same as questions 2 and 7.
9) Possessing marijuana for personal use should not be a criminal offence. [Strongly Agree] source Standard dem policy again, folks.
10) The prime function of schooling should be to equip the future generation to find jobs. [Disagree] source This one's a bit more subjective from my end, full disclosure.
11) People with serious inheritable disabilities should not be allowed to reproduce. [Disagree] [No idea. I guessed he would disagree, further suggestions are welcome.]
12) The most important thing for children to learn is to accept discipline. [Strongly Disagree] source Same as questions 2,7, and 8
13) There are no savage and civilised peoples; there are only different cultures. [Strongly Disagree] source Something something just don't be a racist douche something something.
14) Those who are able to work, and refuse the opportunity, should not expect society’s support. [Disagree] [No idea. I guessed he would disagree, further suggestions are welcome.]
15) When you are troubled, it’s better not to think about it, but to keep busy with more cheerful things. [Agree] [This one is harder, and very subjective. From the ABC source I've heavily used in this section, and other personal stories from Pete, it was clear even in college none of his roommates knew he was gay - something you might expect them to have known or at least guessed. My assumption is that Pete struggled personally with this and didn't talk about it. So while in general he may find talking it out better, he may also have found it easier at that time to stay quiet. So I'm going with [Agree] here, but further suggestions are welcome.]
16) First-generation immigrants can never be fully integrated within their new country. [Strongly Disagree] source Same source as 2, 7, 8, and 12. His dad was a first generation immigrant from Malta and I don't think Pete would say his dad didn't embody American Values. Also seriously - great article.
17) What’s good for the most successful corporations is always, ultimately, good for all of us. [Disagree] source
18) No broadcasting institution, however independent its content, should receive public funding. [Disagree] [No idea. I guessed he would disagree, further suggestions are welcome.]


1) Our civil liberties are being excessively curbed in the name of counter-terrorism. [Strongly Agree] source
2) A significant advantage of a one-party state is that it avoids all the arguments that delay progress in a democratic political system. [Agree] [Okay so like, this one is technically objective I think, and I haven't a clue what Pete would say but I'm going with Agree - sue me]
3) Although the electronic age makes official surveillance easier, only wrongdoers need to be worried. [Strongly Disagree] source Same source as question 1.
4) The death penalty should be an option for the most serious crimes. [Strongly Disagree] source
5) In a civilised society, one must always have people above to be obeyed and people below to be commanded. [Agree] source
6) Abstract art that doesn’t represent anything shouldn’t be considered art at all. [Disagree] source Facebook post from when he was mayor of SB, strangely enough.
7) In criminal justice, punishment should be more important than rehabilitation. [Strongly Disagree] source Same as question 4.
8) It is a waste of time to try to rehabilitate some criminals. [Strongly Disagree] source Same as questions 4 and 7.
9) The businessperson and the manufacturer are more important than the writer and the artist. [Disagree] source Same source as question 6.
10) Mothers may have careers, but their first duty is to be homemakers. [Strongly Disagree] source Standard dem policy here, as per usual.
11) Multinational companies are unethically exploiting the plant genetic resources of developing countries. [Agree] source Agree or Strongly Agree, could be either.
12) Making peace with the establishment is an important aspect of maturity. [Disagree] source


1) Astrology accurately explains many things. [Disagree] [No source, this is just a stupid fucking question and I'd assume everyone disagrees unless they've publicly said otherwise (in which case they're also fucking stupid)]
2) You cannot be moral without being religious. [Strongly Disagree] source
3) Charity is better than social security as a means of helping the genuinely disadvantaged. [Strongly Disagreeeeeee] kinda unrelated source I think we can just say he thinks charity is good, but that that isn't the point. Also purity testers make me sick af.
4) Some people are naturally unlucky. [Disagree] [Stupid question, I'm not sourcing this. Shouldn't even be on a quiz like this next to actual questions]
5) It is important that my child’s school instills religious values. [Strongly Disagree] source Same source as question 2.

Sex Stuff

Full disclosure: Pete's answer on most of these should be pretty obvious, but I'm going to cite as best as possible anyway out of pure spite towards purity testers. Again, you know who you are.
1) Sex outside marriage is usually immoral. [Disagree] [I can't find a straight answer to a question like this obviously, but I'm 99.9% sure he's strongly disagree so I'll at least say disagree]
2) A same sex couple in a stable, loving relationship should not be excluded from the possibility of child adoption. [Strongly Agree] source 1 [source 2: fuck you]
3) Pornography, depicting consenting adults, should be legal for the adult population. [Agree] [Unsure on what he'd say here, but this would be a standard dem response and I believe he would agree.]
4) What goes on in a private bedroom between consenting adults is no business of the state. [Strongly Agree] source
5) No one can feel naturally homosexual. [Strongly Disagree] source 1 [source 2: fuck you]
6) These days openness about sex has gone too far. [Disagree] [Unsure on what he'd say here, but this would be a standard dem response and I believe he would disagree.]
Cool, let's see where that puts us. Again, this has Pete at +8 economically and +4.5 on authoritarianism.
Wow, look at that. He's solidly in the bottom left at -1.88 on Economics and -5.69 on authoritarianism. Here's his results. Amazing. Absolutely astonishing, never could have guessed. At least they were only off by almost half their chart on either dimension.
If you think I edited the url to get this, feel free to plug in the same answers I just provided and give it a shot. You'll get the same thing.
And this unfair bias goes for all the candidates on the chart given by the admins over at TPC. Because those folks running this quiz are biased, and anyone giving them any credit otherwise is fooling themselves. At least for the democrats, I would say shifting them 10 points down and 10 points to the left (again, only half the chart - they were so close!) is pretty fair.
Any further questions or edits or whatever, hit me up. Open source over here. Just really hate liars and goddamn are the progressive douchebags running that site liars.
submitted by dubyahhh to neoliberal [link] [comments]

Flatten the Curve. Part 35. Pitchforks and Millionaires. Basic Guaranteed Income. Farm Automation Soon. Curious Stock Purchases by Bill Gates. The Rich Want to Pay More Taxes? Panama Papers. It's Getting Worse. Be Ready.

Previous post is here.
Grab the Pitchforks.
July/August 2014. The Pitchforks Are Coming… For Us Plutocrats
I still remember reading this article back when, and I thought, exactly right. You can’t pull a reverse Robin Hood and grab from the poor to give to the rich. Eventually the guillotine comes out and heads roll. The cycle has happened before and it will happen again. Unless they somehow have a long range plan to stay rich and keep us poor. The controllers and the controlled. The best of us and the rest of us. The ones who call the war and the ones who fight in the war.
Now I'm not so sure about the essay, let me show you why.
Andrew Yang.
Do you remember when we started talking about Basic Guaranteed Income as a reality? It was roughly in 2016 when the conversations began to get serious. Countries ran experiments. Ostensibly this was presented as a solution to the coming wave of automation that will start performing the manual and mental labor that historically was provided by humans, leaving a whole lot of people to be fed. A whole lot of people whose labor won't be needed. But if this pandemic doesn't get too bad, at least we can look forward to getting a monthly cheque for just being alive, right?
September 18th 2019.
His candidacy is built on the theory that the millions of jobs lost to automation (think kiosks in drugstores and airports) led to the sense of frustration and instability among Americans that was linked to President Donald Trump’s election. He paints a gloomy picture of what automation will do to the future job market and offers a solution: a freedom dividend for every American over the age of 18. The idea of a dividend, Yang argues, is one Thomas Paine and Martin Luther King Jr. and hundreds of economists have supported. Alaska gives its citizens $1,000 to $2,000 a year. He says he’d pay for his policy with a tax on tech companies like Amazon. When he discussed the need to replace GDP as the measurement of economic success, he said U.S. life expectancy had dropped three years in a row for the first time ... "since when?” “1918!” many shouted (correctly). “That’s right, 1918, the year that the Spanish flu, a global pandemic, killed millions,” he said.
Wait. What. That's strange. Guaranteed Basic Income and the 1918 pandemic, all in one breath. You may have also taken note of his declining birth rate comment, almost like the planet is starting to have toxic effects on us. That's just a coincidence though. It has to be. This free money can't be real, can it? The pandemic stimulus money is only temporary, isn't it?
Might as well follow the white rabbit once again, see how far the rabbit hole goes.
What's the Beef on the Farm?
May 29, 2020. Every single worker at this U.S. farm has tested positive for coronavirus The outbreaks underscore the latest pandemic threat to food supply: Farm workers are getting sick and spreading the illness just as the U.S. heads into the peak of the summer produce season.
June 29, 2020. Advocates demand Ontario shut down farms as COVID-19 cases soar among workers.
May 7th, 2020. Why Meatpacking Plants Have Become Covid-19 Hot Spots.
How many outbreaks have shut down factories other than farms and meat plants? I'm not talking about a couple of cases, I mean shut down. I can't recall one. I've read of preemptive shutdowns because of a few cases, or due to supply chain hardships, but all or the entirety seem to be food companies or farms. That's a strange pattern, isn’t it? Could it have something to do with Sulfur Fertilizers and hydrogen sulfide from organic compounds mixing with the environments sudden increase from microbes? Nah.
But where are we going to get our food from to feed all of us Basic Income dependents? We have to eat, but we can't eat if we can't work the farms and meat plants, can we? That's quite the conundrum, isn’t it?
Robot Tractors and Bill Gates.
December 12, 2018. How self-driving tractors, AI, and precision agriculture will save us from the impending food crisis. Go inside the race to feed the 9 billion people who will inhabit planet earth in 2050. See how John Deere and others are working to change the equation before it's too late.
September 11, 2019. Bill Gates, the largest holder of Deere stock, recently bought even more after holding steady for a couple of years. Gates bought 87,000 more shares of Deere (ticker: DE) in late August. The purchase brought his holdings to 31,510,573 shares, a stake of just above 10%. Passing that threshold triggered the need for a regulatory disclosure. Gates, the co-founder of Microsoft (MSFT), filed a form with the Securities and Exchange Commission on Friday detailing his increased investment in the maker of tractors, trucks, and other heavy equipment.
That Bill Gates is a genius! I swear it's like he can see the future! It's too bad that he couldn't make an anti-virus program to save his life. Oh well, even if he couldn't make our computers safe from viruses, I'm sure he'll do better with us humans.
May 16, 2020. From Pope Francis to the Bond King, universal basic income is gaining support around the world.
JULY 10, 2020. Daily briefing: Spain begins an epic economics experiment in universal basic income.
July 13, 2020. Super-rich call for higher taxes on wealthy to pay for Covid-19 recovery.
July 13, 2020. 'Please Tax Us': Dozens Of Millionaires Urge Governments To Tax The Rich To Pay.
I never thought that I would see the day that the rich are pleading to be taxed. It's almost like they learned a thing or two and decided to not tell us to eat cake. Maybe they learned better and found some compassion?

Millionares Against Pitchforks.

January 23, 2020.
A group of wealthy celebrities and business people have signed an open letter calling on fellow billionaires and millionaires around the globe to support tax increases in an effort to alleviate growing economic disparity. Released on Thursday to coincide with the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, the letter states: “There are two kinds of wealthy people in the world: those who prefer taxes and those who prefer pitchforks. We, the undersigned, prefer taxes. And we believe that, upon reflection, you will as well.” The 121 ultra high-net-worth signatories, who call themselves “Millionaires Against Pitchforks,” include Disney heiress Abigail Disney, British actor and screenwriter Simon Pegg, writer-director Richard Curtis (“Love Actually”) and Sudanese-British telco tycoon Mo Ibrahim. Stressing that an estimated $8 trillion – nearly 10% of the world’s GDP – is hidden in tax havens, the letter urges the world’s wealthy “to step forward now — before it’s too late — to demand higher and fairer taxes on millionaires and billionaires within your own countries and to help prevent individual and corporate tax avoidance and evasion through international tax reform efforts.”
Almost six years later they act. SIX YEARS! And just as the COVID-19 pandemic has its first American case on January 20th. That was some fortuitous timing, wasn't it. It's just a coincidence that they found their compassion just as the writing was going up on the wall and the SHTF.
At least they're trying, right? Or they're playing a really long game, and holding back cards before they have to play them.
Me? I don’t believe the act for one second. If they really meant it, why didn't they speak out when the Panama Papers came out?
Or when this happened?
Malta car bomb kills Panama Papers journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia, a blogger whose investigations focused on corruption, was described as a ‘one-woman WikiLeaks’.
It's all smoke and mirrors. Basic Guaranteed Income has been slowly manipulated into awareness. The Pandemic has been as well. It's a perfect storm front to increase automation, which will increase productivity for the upcoming war, and free up the workforce to fight.
And I'm positive that the Panama Papers didn't go anywhere because it got slapped with a National Security classification, but that will have to wait for another post.
Keep your head up and eyes open.
Take care. Be safe. Stay aware and be prepared. Talk soon.
submitted by biggreekgeek to u/biggreekgeek [link] [comments]


Portuguese Response to SARS CoV-2
The outbreak of SARS CoV-2 has shocked and devastated many nations, not just in Europe but in Asia, the Middle East and Africa. Economic and diplomatic prosperity that seemed available to everyone in 2020, was quickly flushed down the drain as an incredibly destructive, natural force has descended upon Earth’s inhabitants like a horseman of the apocalypse. The Portuguese have no desire to understate, or cloud the risk that this virus poses, not just to the elderly, but to the economic integrity of Europe.
Effective tomorrow, Portugal will enstate a complete tourism travel ban on:
South Korea
Czech Republic
San Marino
Vatican City
Most international students in Portugal shall be kept within, but students from Asia and other regions that have been heavily affected by the virus will be temporarily deported if they visit within 1 month of the outbreak. Compensation shall occur once they return, but Portugal will not accept any other foreign students at this time.
Every country not listed will have strict travel proceedings for tourism, and Portugal shall temporarily raise the price of airline tickets to disincentivize travel. There will be a total of 10,000 flights granted this year, and 200 dollar refund to those who make up to $50,000.
For a price of about 5 million dollars every 2 weeks, sections of the armed forces will be offered to various Portuguese companies as labor. This policy hopes to jump-start production in the country, but with the low demand of certain items, it is unclear how many companies will take the offer. Similarly, the army will be used as labor to maintain power plants across the country in case of labor shortages, as well as other basic utilities.
Furthermore, families making under $30,000 a year will be given an aid package of $3,000 granted that they can verify someone above 68 was infected. A compensation of $1,000 will go to those who have a family member infected with the virus. Those infected will be under the control of the state, and they are refused leave of a hospital until they are cleared of COVID-19.
Unfortunately for Portugal, our response capability is extremely limited, as the cost of fiscal stimulus will be a huge barrier, especially with Portugal’s mounting debt problem. Still, both monetary and fiscal measures are required to confront this crisis, and the Bank of Portugal will use whatever measures it can to stop possible news of recession.
The Bank of Portugal shall offer a 70 billion dollar capital injection, available over the course of 1 month, with the goal being to ensure liquidity in the financial sector. Along with this, interest rates will be cut to 0% to ensure the ease of borrowing, and encourage investment.
Furthermore, corporate tax in Portugal shall be reduced from 21% to 11% to encourage monetary compensation to workers, and provide a cushion for business to keep on running.
The Portuguese Assembly has passed a fiscal stimulus package in the way of increased funding to investments, healthcare, and social security. This has Portugal operating on a defict%gdp ratio of 5%. Portugal recognizes this is not sustainable, and thus budget cuts should be expected by all in the coming years.
Large gatherings of more than 200 people will be canceled, but no financial compensation will be offered.
submitted by HammerJammer2 to Geosim [link] [comments]

Knight of Malta, Jesuit trained John McShain designed the Pentagon building!--U.S. Military Headquarters

Knight of Malta, Jesuit trained John McShain designed the Pentagon building!--U.S. Military Headquarters
The United States of America {Romerica} was intended from day 1 of its "independence" to become the sword-arm of the Roman Catholic Church. This is why Archbishop James E. Quigley of Chicago in 1903 piously remarked that "When the United States rules the world, the Catholic Church will rule the world"--("QUIGLEY AS AN OPTIMIST: SEES WONDERFUL GROWTH OF THE ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH" Chicago Tribune, May 5th 1903 : ) ; or why when in 2018, when the Roman Catholic Deputy U.S. Defense Secretary Patrick Shananan said as reported by, that the former secretary of the War-department,a.k.a. the Department of Defense, James N. Mattis--the "Warrior Monk"--"applies Jesuit-level rigor to the work that we take to his office,”(!!!)....“He literally reads every word. The National Defense Strategy is his strategy. The department put it together, but it has his fingerprints, and we’re all behind it to bring it home."--- Shanahan: National Defense Strategy Reflects DoD’s ‘Will to Win’,, February 6th 2018 The "Father" of the U.S. Navy going all the way back to "Independence" was an Irish Roman Catholic---John Barry :

The absolutely incredible amount of Roman military Fasces, the official symbol of the ancient Roman empire, on official U.S. government agency logos, U.S. court buildings, the 50 state capitol buildings, and at the federal Capitol building in Washington proves this irrefutably.

The Roman Military Fasces is seen here on the seal of the United States Tax Court
The Fasces are even present in the oval office!--the office of the U.S. President. {Photo : }
Coincidentally, the first White-House building was designed by a Irish Roman Catholic Freemason named James Hoban, but Papal Knight, Jesuit trained John McShain--"The Man who Built Washington"--is credited with the remodeling of the White-House in 1951, when the imperial Roman military fasces got installed in the oval office. I have shown elsewhere that the first mayor of the new capitol city for the United States (Washington D.C.), was none-other than super Catholic Robert Brent, the nephew of Jesuit John Carroll S.J., the founder of Jesuit Georgetown University which has been controlling both foreign and domestic policy for the U.S. Government ever since! Robert Brent, the first mayor of Washington D.C. was the nephew of Jesuit priest John Carroll S.J.!--the founder of Jesuit Georgetown University : Here is a photo of a short article showing Jesuit Georgetown University honoring John McShain and many others at the annual John Carroll Dinner, covered by The St. Louis Register Volume 12 Number 14 4 April 1952 : McShain was also mentioned in an article titled $14,000,000 Fund Goal set by Georgetown for 175th anniversary , NCWC News Domestic (October 12th 1953) alongside papal knights Myron C. Taylor, Thomas E. Murray and others. $14,000,000 adjusted for inflation in 2020 dollars from 1953 gives a total of $135,636,404.49

McShain would also go onto design to Pentagon building--the headquarters of the U.S. Military. It is rather intriguing that the shape of the Pentagon, which began construction September 11th 1941 is modeled almost identically after a Jesuit war-villa named Palazzo Farnese in Caprarola Italy : It was very fitting then indeed, when in 1986, the Roman Catholic Church created the Archdiocese for the Military Services --a special diocese for the jurisdiction of the United States Military!-- at the expense of the taxpayer {Cardinal Edwin O'Brien, one of America's biggest war hawks : } Papal Knight architect McShain, including designing the Pentagon, also designed The Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington D.C.--the biggest Roman Catholic Church in North America!
The U.S. Military is the Sword Arm of the Catholic Church
Here is the New York Times obituary (1989) for John McShain, titled John McShain, 90, Constructor Of Pentagon and Kennedy Center, reading from this article we see how close the designer of the Headquarters building of the U.S. Military was to the Roman Catholic Church. ( )

" John McShain, a contractor and developer who erected several important public buildings in Washington, including the Pentagon, the State Department Building and the Jefferson Memorial, died of a stroke on Sept. 9 in Killarney, Ireland. He was 90 years old.
His company, John McShain Inc., one of the largest construction contractors in the country in the years before and after World War II, was based in Philadelphia, where his projects included the original Philadelphia International Airport, the Naval Hospital, the Municipal Court House and the State Office Building.
In 1939 President Franklin D. Roosevelt, having observed Mr. McShain's work in Washington, invited the contractor, a staunch Republican, to build the Roosevelt library in Hyde Park, N.Y.
Other postwar projects on which Mr. McShain worked were the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts and the 1951 renovation of the White House under President Harry S. Truman.
In addition to his construction work, Mr. McShain was a major property owner in Philadelphia, where he served as head of the Zoning Commission from 1936 to 1952. His Philadelphia holdings included the Barclay Hotel, where he lived, In the 1950's Mr. McShain entered thoroughbred racing, establishing the Barclay Stable in the United States and Ireland and entering horses to major races in Britain and France as well. His colt Ballymoss, Europe's champion horse of 1958, won the Irish Derby and the Prix de l'Arc de Triomphe. That same year his filly Gladness won the Ascot Gold Cup in England.
Mr. McShain, a native of Philadelphia, was a prominent Roman Catholic layman. He was a Papal Chamberlain, a Knight of Malta and a Knight of the Grand Cross of the Holy Sepulchre. Mr. McShain had spent summers for the last three decades at his Irish estate.
He is survived by his wife, the former Mary Horstmann; a daughter, Sister Pauline Mary of the Society of the Holy Child Jesus, of Rome; and two half-brothers, Joseph, of Farmington, Conn., and William, of Philadelphia."

Including these papal knighthoods cited by the New York Times , McShain was also knighted as a Knight Commander of the Order of Saint Gregory the Great. This is documented in the The St. Louis Register, Volume 10, Number 18, 28 April 1950, in an article titled WHITE HOUSE REBUILDER GETS PAPAL KNIGHTHOOD :
" Washington. John McShain, Well-known builder and prominent Catholic, who is engaged in restoring the White House, residence of Presidents of the United States, has received the insignia of a Knight Commander of St. Gregory. The honor was made known at ceremonies held in Rome, in which Cardinal Dougherty of Philadelphia bestowed Papal decorations on several laymen...."

And perhaps, the Knights of Malta thought the year 1989, when Knight John McShain who designed the Pentagon passed away, was a fitting time to knight U.S. President Ronald Reagan into the order at the Waldorf Astoria Hotel ! Reagan of course ballooned the U.S. Military budget and officially re-created diplomatic relations from the United States to the Vatican in 1984. It was when Reagan was President too, that the Roman Catholic Archdiocese for the Military Services was created. (Video of President Reagan being Knighted : Closet Catholic Ronald Reagan's Remarks at the Knights of Malta Annual Dinner (January 13th 1989) : )
R.T. Naylor, Hot Money and the Poltics of Debt, pg. 274 : " During the Reagan-era expansion of the military budget - $300 billion by 1985 -political contributions by the twenty largest US defense contracting firms doubled. During the same period, these firms managed to increase their share of defense contracts by 150%. The concentration of contracting in a few favored giants also increased their dependence (measured by their ratio of defense to nondefense-sector sales) on the federal government. Not surprisingly, those military-industrial behemoths showed consistently higher profit rates than other sectors of American industry. They were awash with cash when nonmilitary companies were penurious, and had substantially better stock-market performance."

The system of how the Pentagon, designed by Papal Knight Jesuit trained John McShain, gives out massive guaranteed contracts to the biggest monopolized firms in various industries--primarily the defense industry, was similarly replicated in Ancient Rome during the time of the Republic known as the "publicani".
" Once he arrived in his province, a new governor was likely to meet with other prominent Romans who were deeply invested in the area. These were Roman businessmen, members of the Equestrian Order, who moved into captured provinces and seized upon the dozens of opportunities to engage in profitable commerce that came naturally to citizens of the occupying power. The most powerful of these international businessmen were known as publicani . While many members of the Equestrian Order were businessmen, the publicani were distinct in their role of carrying out administrative and manufacturing activities in close partnership with the state. The publicani were essential members of the state system because, as one dimension of their belief in limiting the power of government, the Romans privatized many government functions. The publicani formed joint stock companies that bid for contracts to work for the state. “They provided public works (such as roads and aqueducts), supplies (such as horses and armor), and services (particularly tax collection), in return for a cash payment from the state.” The publicani became the richest businessmen in the Equestrian Order because their contracts with the state were very large, with guaranteed profits. (They were similar to the “cost-plus” contracts awarded by the Pentagon.) " Perils of Empire : The Roman Republic and The American Republic, Monte L. Pearson ( 2008), pg 159

Wikipedia notes that :
"A devout Roman Catholic, John McShain was a major benefactor to Wheeling Jesuit University. In 2000, the newly constructed admissions center was dedicated to the memory of him and his wife. McShain served on the Board of Directors of a number of major American corporations and educational institutions including St. Joseph's University(Jesuit), Catholic University, and Georgetown University(Jesuit). John also attended St. Joseph's Preparatory School, an urban Jesuit high school in North Philadelphia.....McShain was also a benefactor to his alma mater, La Salle University(Catholic), in which he helped plan the construction of La Salle's original academic building, College Hall). McShain Hall was named after him. La Salle University also has a student award named after McShain, given out yearly. The John McShain Award is offered to a member of the senior class who maintained an excellent scholastic record and is considered by faculty and staff to have done the most for the public welfare of La Salle.[1]...Through the John McShain Charities, Sister Pauline McShain continued her parents' tradition of financial support for various Catholic organizations such as the Neumann College scholarship program."

Now from the "official" history of the Pentagon written by the Department of Defense, The Pentagon: the first fifty years (1992) pg. 34-36. 85 we read :
"The total land area for the Pentagon was originally 583 acres, not much short of a square mile. The government owned 296 acres and purchased the remaining 287 acres for $2,245,000, about $7,800 per acre, not as good as the price the Dutch paid for all of Manhattan Island ($24.00 in trade goods) but a very good buy. Subsequently, the War Department transferred some 300 acres of this land to Fort Myer and to Arlington National Cemetery, leaving the Pentagon area with about 280 acres. With the availability of land and money assured, a revised cost-plus-a-fixed-fee construction contract with an estimated cost of $31,110,000 for McShain and the other two contractors was approved on 11 September. McShain appointed J. Paul Hauck as project manager for the contractors. Serving under Renshaw duing the whole period of construction, with D. A. Davis as Chief Superintendent and Thomas I. Moore as his assistant, Hauck made a valuable contribution that was acknowledged by both the War Department and the contractors. In addition to the main contractors, Hauck supervised the work of more than 25 principal subcontractors whose work encompassed almost every aspect of the building from bottom to top-excavation to roofing. John McShain acted as Contractors' Representative by written agreement among the three contractors. This was appropriate since McShain carried by far the greater part of the workload........ As originally proposed, the plaque carried McShain's name as Contractor and the other two companies-Doyle and Russell and Wise Contracting Company-as Associated Contractors....... An investigation of the building's progress conducted by the Bureau of the Budget in August 1942 criticized some aspects of the project, particularly cost and architecture, but, uncharacteristically for such reports, it had high praise for the leadership of the undertaking. "In order to have made the progress that has obtained unmistakably indicates that the men responsible for this project were able and fearless constructors possessed of a large fund of amicability and common sense." The report praised "the supreme command of the prime contractors held by Mr. John McShain" as "largely responsible for the procurement and scheduling of the vast numbers and quantities of labor and material, as well as the coordination of the work with their other organizations.""

submitted by Ainsoph777 to Jesuitworldorder [link] [comments]

malta corporate tax rate 2020 video

Corporate Income Tax in Malta  Dixcart  Bosco Online ... Project S15 - Calculating the corporate tax rate - YouTube Corporate tax rate country ranking TOP10 1990-2020 - YouTube Corporate tax in 5 1/2 minutes - YouTube Tax Rates for Companies 2020- SMC- PVT -LTD - YouTube Budget 2020  New Income Tax Rates  New Income tax slabs ... New corporate tax rate may now be 21-22 percent - YouTube

Other Tax Rate Advantages of Malta’s System. Compared to other European jurisdictions Malta has favorable tax rates on a few counts. These are: There is no wealth tax in Malta. No inheritance tax is levied in Malta. (But a stamp duty may apply if an estate includes shares in a partnership or certain marketable securities.) Malta’s Tax Rates ... Key Findings. In 2020, 10 countries made changes to their statutory corporate income tax rates. One country—Micronesia—increased its top corporate tax rate, while nine countries—Armenia, Belgium, Colombia, France, French Polynesia, Greenland, Monaco, Togo, and Zimbabwe—reduced their corporate tax rates. Corporate Tax Rate in Malta is expected to reach 35.00 percent by the end of 2020, according to Trading Economics global macro models and analysts expectations. In the long-term, the Malta Corporate Tax Rate is projected to trend around 35.00 percent in 2021, according to our econometric models. 10Y. Value-added tax (VAT) Supplies of goods and services in Malta are typically subject to VAT at the standard rate of 18%. However, certain supplies may be subject to a reduced VAT rate, such as 7% on eligible accommodation and on entrance to sporting facilities, and 5% on other supplies like the supply of electricity, the importation of works of art, collector’s items and antiques, certain ... Since the tax rate of 35% applicable to companies is also the highest tax rate in Malta, shareholders will not suffer any additional tax on the receipt of dividends. Where the shareholder’s tax on the dividend is lower than 35%, the amount by which the tax credit exceeds the tax on the dividend will be refunded to the shareholder if the shareholder includes the dividend in his tax return. tax rates Chargeable Income (€) From To Rate Subtract (€) Notable Corporate Tax Rate Changes in 2020 Ten countries have made changes to their statutory corporate income tax rates in 2020. Micronesia was the only country to increase its top corporate tax rate, introducing a progressive corporate income tax system with a top rate of 30 percent, nine percentage points higher than the previous flat The content is straightforward. Chapter by chapter, from Albania to Zimbabwe, we summarize corporate tax systems in more than 160 jurisdictions. The content is current on 1 January 2020, with exceptions noted. Keep up-to-date on significant tax developments around the globe with EY’s Global Tax Alert library. tax rates Chargeable Income (€) From To Rate Subtract (€) A non-Maltese incorporated company that is resident in Malta through management and control is subject to Maltese tax on income arising in Malta and on income received in/remitted to Malta. Companies are subject to income tax at a flat rate of 35%. There is no corporate tax structure separate from income tax. Petroleum profits tax

malta corporate tax rate 2020 top

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Corporate Income Tax in Malta Dixcart Bosco Online ...

The GOP target of cutting the current 35 percent corporate tax rate might actually end up being slightly higher than the planned 20 percent.Learn more about ... 08.10.2020 Bosco Online Workshop “Tax and Wealth planning in volatile times”, Maria Muzarowska Lawyer and Business Development Manager Dixcart, delivered a p... To build a robust and productive conversation about tax, it can be helpful to start with some reflection on how taxes have come into our societies in the fir... Tax Rates for Companies 2020 SMC PVT LTD. Tax Rates For Business Individual And AOP 2020 Tax Rates For Salary Inc... Description Not Provided. Budget 2020 New Income Tax Rates New Income tax slabs In this video, we are going to discuss new tax rates proposed by the budget 2020. We will understan... Data / SourceDate: GLOBAL NOTESource: OECD(Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development )musics・free pd ( title: Inspiration

malta corporate tax rate 2020

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